Just In
BellatriaMusica PM
Joined Feb '09

Fanfic writer of... many years now, I guess. It's scattered all over the internet at this point. I'm ladymayhem over on AO3, mostly for cross-posting purposes. (Or full-posting purposes, if this site decides to take issue with anything I write in the future.)

I'm a member of way too many fandoms but mostly write for Harry Potter. I love the Hogwarts staff so, so much (particularly Minerva McGonagall and Severus Snape) and will probably always be writing something about them.

Feel free to scream at me about writing, about characters, about fandoms--and all of the above--here and on my Tumblr anytime.

Tumblr main: mixingpumpkins(.)tumblr(.)com (remove the parentheses)

UPDATES (7 August 2018)

-Chapter 12 of The Remnants will be up soon. I swear. Please, please send me messages yelling at me if it's not. Tumblr or here. Please. Make me stop fussing and finish the goddamn thing already.

UPDATES (16 April 2015)

-I did not, in fact, drop off the face of the earth, although three years without an update certainly makes it seem like it. For anyone still reading, Chapter 6 of The Remnants is up. Finally.

-I will probably begin cross-posting The Remnants to AO3, although under a different pseudonym. No need to panic if you see it there; no one stole it, it's me.

-My opinions of characters have changed since writing many of these fics, as tends to happen. While this shouldn't disrupt my WIP, please be mindful of dates and do not harass me about why such-and-such would not work or should not have happened in my older fics. If J.K. Rowling can change her opinions about her writing, so can I.

-Pottermore, while wonderful, has also destroyed some of the headcanons around which I was basing The Remnants. I have changed many (future) aspects of the story to reflect the additional canon information, but some--for instance, that Minerva trained to be a Healer before accepting a teaching position at Hogwarts--are already part of the plot and will not be changed. I know it's not canon. Shh. :) It's a 6th-year AU anyway.

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