I don't own anything, I just like to play with Stephenie Meyer's creations.
I was working on my first fan fic - Crash. I took a leap and hit publish because I knew that would be the only thing to keep me writing. It didn't work out and my brain locked up tight after a few chapters. I'm not saying never, but maybe some day I'll get it finished. It's now listed as "ON HIATUS."
I'm a married mom to 3 kids - 2 girls and a boy. They keep my life interesting. I LOVE Twilight - obviously - but love Fan Fiction even more. It's crazy, but I do. I.AM.ADDICTED. Just ask my husband. . . .
If you have any ideas for my story, please don't hesitate to email me. This whole writing thing is a scary new territory for me, so any help is appreciated.
CONFESSION - the Edward in my head isn't Robert Pattinson. Not that I don't like RPattz. . . .but to me, he's not Edward. Sorry. I can't stand K-Stew either.
Also, I can't stand it when tongues "fight for dominance." It's like a karate party, in your mouth! Ick.
I have submitted a one shot for the:
The "I Love 80’s Music" NaughtyHeels Anonymous One-shot Contest
Hosted by KeepersoftheNaughtySparkle (TFX, pkitten21, and Snozzberryfaery) and Heelstominivan
http://www (dot)fanfiction (dot)net/naughtyheelsanonymouscontest