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AlexisTheCrazyBookFanatic PM
Joined May '09

I'm horrible at creating profiles. Absolutely Horrible. I either say too much or too little or all the wrongs things.
I am 14 years old. My name is Alexis, but I tend to go by Lexi. I am easy to get along and very rarely judge people or their actions. I love to debate different interests and think through other perspectives. I am very interested in learning cultural differences and comparing other traditions to those I follow here in America. I like to learn. I like school. If I am deprived of math for longer than 48 hours I tend to go a little crazy.
I'm pretty introverted, and it takes a while to get to know me, but I like to think I am an overall good person, and people seem to appreciate that.
I got voted "kindest heart" in my school yearbook. I was nominated for "Most Likely to Cure Cancer" as well, but you can only win one, apparently. LOL.
I Am Always Right. There, now don't say I didn't warn you.
I aspire to become a doctor when I'm older.
I analyze and over-analyze things.
I currently live in Pennsylvania, which is lovely and quaint but has very few oppurtunities for adventure. Maybe I'll spend some time in New York City, and then London, and then Paris or something.
In other words-I want to travel.
By the way, I love Sherlock Holmes. Love Him.
I also love to read. And write. I love reading and writing yet can't seem to find the time to do a great deal of either.
Whenever I need a laugh I go and watch The Office. Steve Carell always puts a smile on my face.
Harry Potter is something I could go on and on about for months and not even notice that anything else was happening.
I can't cook. I've tried. I've failed. I burnt soup once. I've left tea on the stove too long. I always tend to add too much milk and make my cereal go soggy.
I make a good cup of coffee, though. At least I have that.
I am American, so I talk like one, watch football (Go Steelers!) like one, laugh at the same things as one, take pride in my county like one. Respect that, and we'll get along swell!

I HAD several strories posted, but I went back to read them and was really humiliated. In my own defense, they had all been uploaded years ago, and my writing has matured since. Anyway, they've been deleted. I hope to post more soon, but in all honestly, I'm more of a fanfiction READER and the stuff that I write and am proud of is my own. I have a fictionpress (my username is sillylexy, which is humiliating in itself but it's based off an e-mail account I made when I was 8) so read my stuff there!

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