Just In
21Snapdragons PM
Joined Jun '09

I must say that I've been lurking around this site for a long time. Years. I discovered FFN in college and loved all things boy band. I have been known to write some excellent and well-reviewed Nsync stories back in the day. I remember when stories about real people were acceptable, when there was an NC-17 rating, and when FFN was thinking of making authors pay to post stories here. I remember when you could subscribe to daily and weekly magazines here. Yup, I've been around the site a time or two. I know I haven't written anything in a while, but that does not mean I don't love all things FFN. I only returned to the site when I discovered Twilight's joy and lovely Fan Fiction. I had enjoyed many stories here, and only when I found this did I feel the need to get back into writing and reviewing.

Just a random thought I had...I wonder if someone ever told Stephenie Meyer, JK Rowling, Diana Gabaldon, Dan Brown, Nicolas Sparks, Philippa Gregory, and countless other amazing authors that their stories were too long? And I wonder if JK Rowling's publishers ever worried about the fact that Harry and Ginny made out in the Common Room...or did Stephenie Meyer's publishers tell her that Edward and Bella having sex and conceiving a child was too much for a 'teen' audience? Or did Diana Gabaldon's s publishers tell her that the rape of Jamie Frasier by Jack Randall during Outlander was too much? I'm thinking no...but again, these were just random thoughts.

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