Just In
addicted2text PM
Joined Jun '09

I love to read and have never stopped since I first learned how. Fanfiction gives me more of what I crave, so I tend to browse this site more often than not. I have been registered on this site before, but was chased away from logging in by the joke that was the adblocker, then I changed deleted my (stillborne) fanfics on this site after the great purges of '06 in protest at seeing so many worthy fics being removed without cause.

I've never stopped reading though, and would occasionally leave a public (anonymous) review using this name. Today I considered the possibility of losing my name due to someone registering it and stealing it right from out under my feet, so I registered again using it. I still don't know how often I'll be logged in or use the account directly, but at least this way no one can impersonate me! :)

Do you have an iPhone, an iPad, an iPod Touch or one of the many Android eReaders? Do you wish there were an easy way to get content in a convenient ePub for later reading offline? Then you need to try these tools:

Fanfiction Downloader Requires a Google Account. This site allows you to paste in the url of a fic you like and download it as an ePub.

FLAG (Fanfiction Lightweight Automated Grabber): This works more or less the same as above but doesn't require a Google Account. You only need to input the story id for this one to work.

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