Just In
elizapi PM
Joined Jun '09

Bachelors degree in Computer Science and Mathematics. My mother was my middle school English teacher.
Currently working as a SAN Administrator for a large IT company. Don't worry if you don't know what that means, I didn't either, until several weeks after I'd started working in that position!

I tend to disregard a story immediately if it's poorly written, or if it reads like a sixth grade journal entry.

I need to put the ideas in my head on "paper" but I never seem to finish them.
If you are interested in continuing any of my ideas, let me know. I do insist that it be kept T rating or below, no slash, no self-inserts, no Mary Sues, and keep the canon marriages intact please.

I intend to have stories for Twilight, Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, and Doctor Who. I don't own them I just like imagining "what-ifs" and "fix-its"

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