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IcarusToSun PM
Joined Jul '09

Finally joining the Twitter-nation:


23 April, 2010


This may sound incredibly naïve, but I just found out that there have been over 200 hits on my profile page since I signed up here. I don’t write, so I can’t figure out what could possibly prompt anybody to bother. So, here’s a humble request to the next person who drops by: Would you kindly send me a message letting me know why you were visiting?



13 July, 2010


I'd like to thank all those who wrote to me and let me know why they came to visit me. You are absolutely wonderful and always welcome~

Since I really don't have any input to make to the great world of twi-fics, I will try to do what I can by letting you know about stories that are absolutely amazing, but rarely get reviewed.

I'll start with Resurrection (see my favorites). It tells the story of what could have happened if Bella managed to push Edward away with her “night of tears” after bidding goodbye to Jake. Let’s admit it folks, the way Bella treated Edward in Eclipse is atrocious! She repeatedly stomped on Edward’s heart to appease and pine after Jake. The double standard she held them to was simply unconscionable. How graciously she’d accept gifts from Jake but wouldn’t even entertain the idea when it came to Edward, how she'd always demand that Edward respects Jake but never stood up for Edward when Jake would trash him. What if she finally managed to break the proverbial camel’s back? What if Edward interpreted her tears differently than he did in the books? What if he couldn’t stand to see Bella cry over another man? What if he chose to sacrifice his life and sanity to make sure Bella found her happiness with Jake after that fateful night? (‘Cause that’s just the kind of noble guy Edward is! And that’s why we love him so much!)

Well here is the story that tells that tale!! Please read it There is a discussion thread going at Twilighted as well. Visit the forum http:///forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=10726 and ask the author TwilightMomofTwo any questions/ideas you may have.

The author is also writing a piece called Transcendence which is Eclipse from Edward's POV. She has a way of getting into Edward’s head. You should all go take a peek!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I'd really love it if you let me know if you like the story.

Thank you:)


19 July, 2010


I have two stories for you today. The first one is really original but seriously under-reviewed. It's called Walter Cannon's Theory, Expanded by Temptation's Girl. It remolds all the familiar characters of Twilight and makes it work like magic. Read it and let me know what you think. Here's the link:

The other one I had in mind is called A Family Affair by babakisses. In the story Edward leaves Bella but unwittingly ends up getting together with Bella's cousin (I know! what are the odds!). Of course, Bella finds out eventually. I am waiting breathlessly to find out how the author gets him out of this predicament! Here's the link:

Drop me a line to share your thoughts on these stories.

Happy reading:)



21st July, 2010

Hello visitors,

There is this story I just started reading that I think has an amazing way of taking the reader back to their adolescent days, with all its heartbreaks, bruised knees, and self discovery. It has a really lovable and well grounded Bella, a charmingly selfish Edward, and a sweet, loving Emmett who happens to be Edward’s twin! It’s called Broken by mamasutra. Here’s the link:

The other story I am thinking about probably shouldn’t be included, ‘cause even though it hasn’t yet reached the 1000 review mark I am sure it will really soon. But what the heck, it’s an awesome story and I want to tell you about it. It’s called Dead on My Feet by Cesca Marie. Have any of you read a story called How to Save a Life? Sadly, it has been withdrawn from ff by the author, but just so you know it was awesome. Dead on My Feet pulls some of the same heartstrings and does a spectacular job at making you want to make soup for Edward (you need to read to find out!). Here’s the link:

Please check them out, and if you have the time, I would love it if you let me know what you thought.

Thank you,


28 July, 2010

Hey there,

I have a weird piece of story to tell you about. It’s called The Covenant by aliasnumberfive. It’s only got three chapters and from the look of it, that’s all the author is planning on for now. It is about a polygamous marriage between Carlisle, Esme, and Bella. What really throws you off is that Bella used to be Edward’s betrothed who happens to be Esme and Carlisle’s late son. For reasons that are not explicitly explained in the story, Carlisle takes Bella as his second wife after his son’s untimely death. The story leaves you reeling from a disturbing sense of wrongness and righteous indignation. The author does a fantastic job of showcasing the complexities of grief, obligation, and sexuality of these three characters. It left me wanting more. Here’s the story:

Please read it and tell me what you think.

Thank you,


25 August, 2010

Hello Twifreaks,

I have a really interesting story to tell you about today. It’s called Bring on the Wonder by Bronzehyperion. It’s about a nearly ordained catholic priest Edward trying to bring redemption to a street hooker Bella. Quite a play on the “saint-sinner” concept! Just two chapters up so far, the story opens with amazing promise and the writing is flawless. Give it a shot:

Let me know what you think.

On a separate note, I’d like to rehash something I posted a while back on 21 July, 2010. As predicted, Dead on My Feet has become hugely popular and cannot be categorized, in any shape or form, as an "under-noticed great story". But I can't bring myself to remove it from my list! So, it stays. On a similar bright note, How to Save A Life has been reposted. Yay! Thank you unholy.obsession!! You are the best! If you haven’t read the story, here’s your second chance to redeem yourselves. Don’t pass this up! Please go and read it NOW. Here’s the link:

Love you all,


14 January, 2011

Hey sweeties,

It's been a long while but man, do I have a story for you! It's called Lingering Shadows by mamasutra. Only 2 chapters up so far but I stand by my word! This will be good. Very few stories, and I mean very very few, can make me this emotional. The last one I recall was Emancipation Proclamation. In Lingering Shadows, things start off very mysteriously with Bella lying in a pool of her own blood and Edward going frantic. Not many clues are given in the prologue. Then the story goes back into the past, opening with Bella at her grandmother's funeral with a little hint of her encountering a grief stricken Edward attending his wife's funeral service at the same place. There's so much promise in there that I can hardly wait to find out how things will unfold. Check it out and tell me what you think. Here's the link (or check my faves!):

I can promise you one thing. This one will not disappoint!


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