DISCORD LINK FOR AUDAX NOVUS to review or engage more directly. I will be ceasing my review replies due to angry messages berating me for them and reducing my enjoyment of writing for Fanfiction.
remove the spaces: UPDATED on 05/03/24
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The current story in the works: Audax Novus.
When words don't come to me but I have the creative urge, images do. So whenever I'm writing a FanFiction I usually also make art for it to some extent.
Feel free to check out my Deviantart: https : / / www . deviantart . com / loxtona01mg
Remove the spaces
Link VVV to the forum for info.
I invite discussion and civil discourse at any given opportunity. I'm happy to take criticism about errors in my writing or if you think I've depicted a character/scene/whatever wrong, so long as that criticism is delivered with objectivity or respect.
This is obviously just my personal take on the usage of the FanFiction platform, and obviously, you are not required to think the same.
But writers on here do so for free out of their own lives and schedules, busy or not.
Whether what is written is awful in its literacy, morally disputable, believable within the canon it's drawn from, or whatever else which could be a negative in the readers' eyes -please remember that the individual who's written whatever you're reading has done so for free.
On behalf of myself and every other writer on here, I would humbly request that any review you post be objective or respectful in nature if you find fault in what you're reading.