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Grizziesmom PM
Joined Jul '09

Madly obsessed with Supernatural, Sherlock, Arrow, and the entire Stargate universe (yes, even the horrific "Universe" at times!)...They may not seem to have anything in common, but I luvz dem all! Of course, thanks to my vivacious and insane kid (Riddlespawn here on FF), I have fallen off the wagon and found my muse in the form of one very hobbit-like Brit by the name of John Watson! What's not to love about him? He's so cute and SO angsty...I LOVE angsty!!! (A story about my other muse who ran away to another planet and lost a leg is for another day...if he'd stayed with me, he'd have remained so much happier...but that is for another time, truly)

UPDATE: Everything you once saw here has been moved to loudestwinchester (dot) com. If you would like updates and further information, you can follow me there!

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