Just In
Hongkongphooey PM
Joined Aug '09

Hello *waves* I am a thirtymumble stay at home mum to two very loud demanding boys, who lives in not-so-sunny England. The vampires would be fine here. Honestly.

After reading FF for almost two years and always thought I'd be a reader and not a writer but having been inspired by my fellow readers I finally took the plunge and started Fill My Little World in 2010. Hopefully the Englishisms in my story won't be too annoying.

I hope to add info / relevant links that compliment the story once I figure out how to do it...

FMLW still has a Twilighted thread for discussion, teasers etc.

You can find it at http://www(.)twilighted(.)net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=10013

YES I AM STILL WRITING!* FMLW will be updating very soon. The story is written in full and will complete in the near future.

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