1. iDress Up As Melanie: Mostly Sam's perspective. Multichap. In progress. Sam has feelings for Freddie, and she doesn't know how to deal with them. When the opportunity comes up for Sam to dress up as her perfect sister, and Freddie's recent love interest, she pounces. But will she be able to keep it up? And will those so called "needless" feelings ever actually leave? Read to find out!
1. Who need's K.C? Complete Two-shot: K.C has realised life was better with Clare, but what if a 11th grader with jet black hair has ruined it all for him? Started as a one-shot but because of the over whelming responce it is going to be a two!!!!!! I really liked this, truly do, I love how many reviews I got!
2. As Long as I'm With You. One-shot. Complete: Clare has been avoiding hearing her parents bicker every morning, so she has been going on early morning walks. Will Eli come and help her in her time on need one, early, weekend morning? I thought this was really good, one of the best things I've written, but I only got like 5 reviews lol.
SWAC: ( not writing anymore)
1. Chad With a Chance of Spying: Chad's perspective. Two-shot. Finished. Sonny is in the prop house, she thinks everyone is gone, so she starts playing the wii out of boredom. She cranks up some Beatles music and dances around, ready for a day of chillaxing and dancing. Little does she know CDC is watching her! What happens when she finds Chad? What happens when someones called a stalker? And why is a teenage girl listening to the Beatles anyways? HELLO talk about oldies music! I'm pretty proud of this story. One of my fav's.
2. Guess Who's Coming to Guest Star Modified: One-Shot. Finished. My version of Guess Who's Coming to Guest Star. I changed some of the elements to my liking, an...ahem anyone who is a channy fan's liking! I kind of liked this one, not my best, but pretty good. I little long though.
3.Sonny With a Chance of Canada, eh! ON HIATUS!: A fanfic written by Narnialove and I. When Chad and Sonny are sent to Toronto Canada to promote their show's on Much Music many things will take place, Chad will descover a love or Tim Hortons, Sonny will devolope a liking for some cute hockey players, and Santiago's brother likes to attack the two to find out alot of personal info. Jelousy, love, and a whole heck of alot of stereotyping take part in this story. Unfortunatly I haven't been in contact with Narnialove and i don't want to write the whole thing and leave her out of it without her knowledge, plus I've been super busy anyways!
4. Sonny With a Chance of Leaving: Finished. First Fanfic: When Dakota Condor threatens Sonny's job at So Random! Chad and Sonny go to extreme lenths to try to save her job. Not very good, maybe I'll rewrite it someday, but it kinda sucks!
5. The 12 Days of Christmas Rhyming ON HIATUS: Sonny and her mother rent a hugh house so her many relatives can spend christmas with them. Who knew that this extravagent house would be upon the same street of the one and only Chad Dylan Cooper? Romance comes, OC's go crazy, and Sonny doesn't know what to think. I like this story but I've been so super buy I havn't been able to write any more, plus it's not Christmas any more so I don't have much obsession at the moment. My bad!So sorry!
6. Sonny With a Chance of Getting Lost: In Progress. Multichapter: Sonny and Chad get lost in the middle of the forest on a cold night. How did they end up in the perdiciment? And why in heck is Sonny allowing Chad to call her babe for an apparent dare? See the day that had progressed before they ended up in their sticky situation!
7. Chad With a Chance of a Country tune!: Finsihed. One-shot: Chad has an unforgettable country tune in his head, and Sonny will go to any lengths to find out what the two-named jerkthrob has been humming around the studio! Funny little's a bit of a songfic I guess but the story isn't based around the words of the songs. I really like this one, it's humourus, fun, and cute. It'll put a smile to your face!
8. Life is a Game of Chance:One-shot, Complete: With Condor's studio's closing down, it seems everything is crumbling for Sonny. The suprising thing? It's affecting Chad more than anybody would know. For Danci's forum challenge. This was alot more sad than my usual, but I was glad to see some people liked a little bit of change, although I barely have any reviews, I like it. It's written quite well.