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silverskywolf2272 PM
Joined Oct '09

Hello mina!~8D

Here I'm silverskywolf2272, on DA I'm silverskywolf227 (duh~) and on wetpaint I am so many people I've lost count (but I usually am Hitsugay_Hinata_luv X3); So, you who dont know meh (which is probably everyone XD) I should warn you: I LOVE BLEACH X NARUTO PAIRINGS!!

Please don't hate me cuz I like em~! I do like normal pairings, too :D (But no Hitsugaya x Hinamori _ gah...)

Okay so before I go onto other stuff you should know a few things...

I am a PITIFUL speller who couldn't spell a word right for her life XD and yes, I AM a girl, and hopefully people on DA have figured that out by now -_-

I turn 13 in May next year, so please just deal with my horrible spelling and annyoing age until I get into High School. Thank you glomps you all and gives you all cookies

Fav Showz: Naruto, Bleach, Rozen Maiden, Black Lagoon, Death Note, FMA...

Music: Linkin Park (8D) Three Days Grace...

Pairings I likez~

Cross overs:

Hitsugaya x Hinata 8D Best cross over pairing EVER!!

Ichigo x Tenten

Naruto x Rukia

Hinata x Rukia (DEAL with it~)

Hinata x Soi Fong

Hitsugaya x Hinata x Ichgio

Hanatarou x Sakura

Kira x Ino

Renji x Anko

Gaara x Yoruichi

Shino x Yachiru X3


Rukia x Renji

Ichigo x Hitsugaya meltz

Soi Fong x Yoruichi x Urhara (threesome WAR)

Soi Fong x Byakyua

Hitsugaya x Rukia


Hinata x Naruto

Hinata x Sauske

Hinata x Gaara

Hinata x Kiba (lol soooo many Hinata's XD)

Hinata x Itachi (okay, last one...)

Hinata x Ino/Sakura (okay...I lied. Now this is the last one XD)

Sakura x Naruto

Ino x Shikamaru

Other Stuff:

First Oc story 8D~

Life of a Blue Eyed Demon

Main Character/Paring: Uzumaki Rika and Naruto x Rukia

It's about Naruto and Rukia's only child: Uzumaki Rika. She looks just like Rukia, only her hair in a little longer and the parts that fall about her shoulders are white, and the points are tipped with black. The reason for this is becuase Rika is PART demon. No demon was sealed inside her, nor did a Inner Hollow appear. No, something even worse happened. Because Naruto as the Nine-Tailed Fox sealed inside him, and Rukia as the Inner Hollow known as 'Dark Rukia' (from latest Bleach movie), the two add-normal powers twirled around inside Rika as she was begin born, and a part of her soul was changed. That part of her soul in a gigantic white wolf-like beast with blood-red eyes and half a Hollow Mask planted on its face. Rikia calls it 'White Rika', like Rukia sometimes calls her Inner Hollow 'Black Rukia'. Rika has kept this a secret from her parents for a long, long time, but that may no longer be possible. On one winter night, just after Naruto is calledf back to the world of the living to do a S-rank mission, Rukia is struck down by a strange man with red eyes and black-and-white hair. As Rukia lays in hospile, falling in and out of consiousness, more and more Shinigami are caught by this evil man.

Rika, safe in Kohma with her father, has no idea of these events. But she had no time to worry about it, because Naruto's mission was turning sour. Word reached Kohma that the amazingly powerful SHinigami/Ninja had been killed--by, though unknown to them, the very same man who had struck Rukia down.

He's after Rika and Hirikoyuki (another name for her demon-soul) and he'll stop at nothing to get them. But what does he want? And what will he do to Rika and her half-dead mother if the fifteen year old hands herself over to him? Read if you care

Rika Uzumaki/Kuchiki (c) silverskywolf2272/silverskywolf227

Naruto Uzumaki (c) Masashi Kishimoto

Rukia Kuchiki (c) Kubo Tite

'It can't be...' Rika's whisper barely reached Kamiko's ears. ' that...Chappy-kun?'-Uzumaki/Kuchiki Rika (She loves Chappy, just like her Mum X3)

I'm also gonna put up some dabbles from DA, if any of you care =P

Current Projects:

Chapter Two of 'Life of a Blue Eyed Demon'

'Before' chapter of Part One-Summer Storm (The Fall)

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