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My Stories . Bio Fav: Stories . Authors
Joined Oct '09
gender: female
current fandoms: Hetalia, Shingeki no Kyojin, Free!, Kuroko no Basuke, BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who
old fandoms: K Project, No. 6, Naruto, Kyo Kara Maoh
otps: USUK, Ereri, RinHaru, NagiRei, AoKise, KagaKuro, Johnlock, TenxRose, SaruMi, NezuShi, SasuNaru, Yuuram, ShinDai/ShinMura
Note: Please don't judge the writings I published here. I made those in my embarrassing overly-enthusiastic-naive-and-stupid pre-teen phase. Apparently, I barely have time to write for my ships nowadays.