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Favorite Stories 505
1k+ PokéHearts: New Beginnings » by Aoi Hyoudou Remake to the original. Ash's life is turn upside down when his world is consumed by the Heartless. Now he must embark on a new adventure where he will come across new foes, new enemies, new worlds, and a troublesome past. Takes place after the Kalos arc and a little after Kingdom Hearts Dream Distance Drop. AshXAqua. SoraXKairi. AshHarem. CH XXXI IS UP!
Pokémon & Kingdom Hearts, T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 33, words: 180k+, favs: 697, follows: 673, updated: 2/11 published: 1/6/2017, [Ash K./Satoshi, Aqua] [Sora, Kairi]
164A Cloaked Heart » by morbiusgreen Jethro Bethridge, a 30 year old bank manager, suddenly finds himself and his entire house and surrounding property whisked away to Equestria, specifically directly near the Palace of the Twin Sisters. With new abilities given to him by an Alicon named Athena, how will he fit into this new world when he was brought here by accident?
My Little Pony, M, English, Drama & Romance, chapters: 171, words: 879k+, favs: 199, follows: 211, updated: 2/8 published: 2/25/2022, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon, Zecora
6k+Gladiator » by Seyary-Minamoto In a world where the Avatar wasn't found, the Fire Nation took over two nations and they strive to overcome the last one. Water Tribe warrior Sokka seeks to fight for his people's rights, but he's captured by his enemies. His life is no longer in his hands as he fights as a Gladiator, and his fate will eventually depend on the Fire Nation Princess, who needs him for her own ends...
Avatar: Last Airbender, M, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 388, words: 5683k+, favs: 3k+, follows: 3k+, updated: 2/7 published: 3/26/2013, [Sokka, Azula]
425 Dungeon Oratoria Online » by asdf1asdf1 DOO is the first game to be created in a long awaited category, a VRMMORPG. Follow Kirito and co as they seek to clear out the depths of the dungeon located beneath the city Orario. However, this game is no mere entertainment, it's a real world, where death in the dungeon means death for your body. The only way they can escape the game is to clear the bottom floor of the dungeon.
Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン & Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka, T, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 83, words: 1074k+, favs: 981, follows: 1k+, updated: 1/18 published: 8/10/2019, Kirito/Kazuto K., Asuna/Asuna Y., Argo, Hestia
223Tangled In Time » by TwilightFairy928 Half a century later, Ganondorf finds he has survived the Master Sword's blow. After hearing a child named Link has been born, Ganondorf decides to kidnap him. After all, why would Link want to harm his loving 'father', even if it's at the cost of Hyrule?
Legend of Zelda, K+, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 31, words: 66k+, favs: 203, follows: 220, updated: 1/2 published: 8/24/2011, Link, Ganondorf
57 Underleague » by sen whitefox mako red demon Here we are we made it. The Underleague, the most difficult challenge for any pokemon champion out there. 8 Gyms, 4 Elite members, 1 ultimate pokemon master. Their latest opponent? A...ten year old kid, without a license and and little eevee...Um is-is this normal? Oh, so your Frisk and you literally fell down here? Well in order to get out you have to go through the league. Sorry
Undertale & Pokémon, T, English, Adventure & Family, chapters: 47, words: 95k+, favs: 117, follows: 123, updated: 11/13/2024 published: 9/11/2016, Frisk, Asriel, Papyrus, Sans
589 Academy Duelist » by Kyuubi16 Son of a Legendary Duelist Naruto Uzumaki heads to Duelist Academy to start his career as a duelist. In time he and the students will find themselves combating any evils and psychopaths as they fight for not only their future but for the planets as well. Its up to Naruto, Judai, and the other students to put an end to the Shadow Games. Patreon for early chapter releases.
Naruto & Yu-Gi-Oh GX, M, English, chapters: 24, words: 103k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 6/28/2024 published: 6/21/2010, [Naruto U., Alexis R./Asuka T.] [Jaden Y./Jūdai Y., Yubel]
6Crossed Wires » by Ron the True Fan The line between tsundere and yandere is very thin. What happens when Asuka has her wires twisted? And will this help Shinji...or DAMN him?
Evangelion, M, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 3k+, favs: 46, follows: 54, updated: 5/31/2024 published: 4/28/2024, Shinji I., Rei A., Asuka L. S.
1k+Fallen Eagle » by Captain Alaska When a mysterious craft crashes near the Ponyville Lake, Princess Celestia, Luna and 5 of the Mane 6 investigate and find a human near the wreckage. They promptly bring him to the hospital where he awakens frightened & alone. To help him adjust to their world, Applejack volunteers to take 'Cougar' in at her farm. But what happens when the two strike up a very close friendship?
My Little Pony, M, English, Friendship & Drama, chapters: 90, words: 939k+, favs: 497, follows: 532, updated: 2/26/2024 published: 10/15/2014, [Applejack, OC] Rainbow Dash, Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon
1k+Living The Dream » by kickass222urmom The world has ended for humans, but a young man gets a second chance at life in a new world. Rated M for later chapters.
My Little Pony, M, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 158, words: 398k+, favs: 469, follows: 381, updated: 1/3/2024 published: 11/25/2011, Twilight Sparkle, OC
909An Unburdened Fury » by Entropic Horizon Broly's crown failed to work and the Legendary Super Saiyan is set free on the universe without his father to hold him back. However, even a warrior of legend can face many obstacles in his path of destruction...
Dragon Ball Z, T, English, Adventure & Tragedy, chapters: 73, words: 276k+, favs: 531, follows: 580, updated: 10/31/2023 published: 3/30/2014, Broly, Zangya, Bujin, Kogu
277Lesson in Living » by Starath Five Decepticons find themselves human in another reality from their own. With the help of Casey, they find out why they've been brought here... and it's their only ticket home. Work in Progress, 3 or 4 chapters left to go. R&R, please!
Transformers/Beast Wars, T, English, chapters: 15, words: 88k+, favs: 197, follows: 200, updated: 6/25/2023 published: 5/29/2007
1k+ Magi Ranger » by Tenstar12 Betrayed by the world he had given his all to save, Harry finds himself cast into the void. With some help Harry ends up in another dimension, but in classic Harry Potter fashion gets himself into trouble almost immediately. Can he make his way in this strange world he finds himself in where giant monster attacks are a daily occurrence and hardly anything is familiar? AU Harry, MOD
Power Rangers & Harry Potter, T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 56, words: 425k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 6/10/2023 published: 6/19/2016, Tommy O., Trini K., Harry P.
2k+Pokemon Reset Bloodlines » by Crossoverpairinglover Going back to save the world is tough; it's tougher when the process ends up radically altering reality. When the new world Ash wakes up in differs from the old one in many ways, Ash will have to adapt his battle experience to a new world, and what are these mysterious Bloodlines that everyone fears? AshXHarem-multiship Anime world with some Adventures and Game canon. Mostly beta'd
Pokémon, M, English, Adventure, chapters: 56, words: 868k+, favs: 3k+, follows: 3k+, updated: 12/26/2022 published: 12/19/2013, Ash K./Satoshi, Misty/Kasumi, Iris
36 The Grand Adventure by Sweet Kagamine Kiss Sequel to TOE. Trouble brews in London and the Yugi-tachi will become involved once again in Wizarding affairs. But we also have a new tournament. Evil just will never give the Yugi-tachi a rest, however. Time to save the world... again... YGOHP xover.
Harry Potter & Yu-Gi-Oh, M, English, Adventure, words: 956, favs: 86, follows: 98, updated: 9/27/2022 published: 3/12/2009, Harry P.
223To Rebuild a Kingdom » by Magma Red Terraria. An abandoned island home to the crumbling ruins of a once mighty kingdom, destroyed by the shrouded darkness of evil. Now forgotten from the memory of man, an emotionless pariah seeks to re-build the kingdom, restoring it to the former glory it had, and defend it from anything that would see to it's destruction. Easier with in the mind, but no one said it would be so...
Terraria, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 51, words: 359k+, favs: 174, follows: 211, updated: 7/7/2022 published: 5/31/2014
183Over Oceans » by OfficialAriae Two teens fall for each other via a popular online role-playing game. Where does reality mesh with their online fantasy? Can love really withstand time and distance? Sora x Kairi [This fic has been majorly updated, upgraded, aged-up and moved to Wattpad and AO3: meggsngrits]
Kingdom Hearts, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 21, words: 24k+, favs: 150, follows: 162, updated: 2/24/2022 published: 8/28/2011, Sora, Kairi
80 Waking Nightmares: Remix Heart » by KnightMysterio A reboot of Waking Nightmares. Celestia has been suffering from nightmares, and her sister Luna cannot seem to stop them. On top of things, the dreaded Queen Chrysalis and is finally standing trial, several world leaders attending to help decide her fate. On top of everything else, nine ponies and a dragon from another world have arrived, apparently sent there by a mad wizard...
My Little Pony & Team Fortress 2, M, English, Adventure & Horror, chapters: 8, words: 39k+, favs: 174, follows: 190, updated: 2/23/2022 published: 7/29/2017, Twilight Sparkle, Miss Pauling
122 Heroes Across Time! Remade! » by Kyuubi16 Based off of The Hero Fails timeline. The Goddess of Hyrule make Naruto an offer. If he helps the Heralds of Courage and Wisdom succeed, than they would use their power and influence to free the trapped Souls of the Hokages. Though, Naruto finds himself growing attached to this new world. Especially when the mischievous Din unlocks certain inhibitions. Remake. Narutoxharem.
Legend of Zelda & Naruto, M, English, Friendship, chapters: 5, words: 12k+, favs: 659, follows: 670, updated: 2/8/2022 published: 3/2/2009, Zelda, Naruto U.
434My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship » by DanieruLOF MLP & Male OC added to the story of Friendship is Magic (Seventh Element) - The lonely and boring life of an Earth-Pony in Ponyville changed forever after meeting six mares, being chosen by an unknown Element of Harmony and experiencing friendship for the first time. But is that the life he wants? Soon he will find out the whole truth about friendship and the Elements of Harmony...
My Little Pony, K+, English, Friendship & Adventure, chapters: 121, words: 887k+, favs: 285, follows: 261, updated: 12/17/2021 published: 5/9/2016, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, Cutie Mark Crusaders, OC
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