About me? Like anyone cares, right? I'm a thirtyMUMBLEMUMBLE-year-old SAHM to a boy (8) and a girl (6). I live in Alaska and I'm married to Rob. For real, I love it! Do you have any idea how cool you can think you are when your cell rings, flashin' the newest pic of RPatzz saying "Rob Calling"? Cool enough to write it down.
I love stories about Edward's "OCD tendencies", most of them are fun, but the ones that actually deal with real OCD intrigue me. My son has Aspergers and has OCD tendencies as a result, among other things.
My daughter is blonde, enough said. I think a good portion of my FB friends follow me just to read whatever goofy ass thing she said recently. For example: (While pointing to my graduation tassel) What's this? (It's my tassel) Why'd you say ASSHOLE?!? As written above, enough said.
I've not yet become brave enough to write a story, but maybe someday. It's something I used to do a lot when I was younger. I've started an idea file, though, so who knows? I've got tons of ideas, just dont know how to make them flow out. Maybe I can become someone's personal plot bunny? ;-)