Hello everyone, this is Shadow Spirit Dragon-Wolf or Dragon. I'm currently working on all my stories, but I have decided to focus on my newest story Sapphires because I got into the kick of doing Ace Attorney, and right now Fissures of Thirteen is a bit of a mess and I want to take a break from it. I've also determined that I want to finish a story already so I'm putting all my effort in this one tory and running with it. I hope that doesn't upset anyone who is excited for my Naruto stories, I will get back to them in due course. I'm not abandoning any of my stories. I just need a break to clear my mind for a bit, and to focus on something.
I also am looking for getting a job and they will be working so real life things may get in my way in some respects so that's another reason I'm trying to focus on one story at a time. I've also been working on my original story so hopefully, that goes well. I hope no one is too upset by this. I will do my best to get back to them as soon as I can.
Hope you all enjoy everything I have and will write.