I came across the traffic stats accidentally while exploring the site and found that people have looked me up. That was a surprise, so I felt like I should write something for them to read when they get here.
I'm an avid reader of Twilight fan fiction but I don't write any. I gave up writing stories a long time ago. Let’s just say I'm better at reading and reviewing than writing them myself and leave it at that. I try to give helpful reviews and I make the effort to include the constructive stuff in there if I like a story. However, I'm a big believer in not saying anything if you have nothing nice to say. PLEASE NOTE - I use my Favourite Stories list for stories I have read as well as the ones I want to find the time to read (so if your story is on my list but you haven't had a review from me, please don't assume I had nothing nice to say about it!)
I spend so much time reading stories and writing reviews that my husband thinks I’m an addict and I should make a career of it. I think I’ll stay working in IT for now but I am happy to discuss specific points or plots and approaches etc. with people who need a sounding board.
Here is my soapbox moment...My pet hate in fan fiction is seeing people putting pressure on authors to update more frequently. I’m sure it’s really nice to hear that people are excited about your story but I’m not sure why people think that gives them the right to nag, whine and complain. Surely, the whole point for authors to publish their work is for pleasure. What’s the point if it stops being something they enjoy just because others are impatient? I seem to say this a lot at the moment but I’ll gladly wait for you to write YOUR story the way you want it. THAT IS WHAT ALERTS ARE FOR!
I’m just happy that so many people are willing to share their stories.
That’s about it really :-)