raven rose 101
Joined Jan '10
HEY!! I'm Raven Rose 101 (duh!)
I'm a total anime freak.
My favorites are:
1. Naruto!!! ( Of course ^^ )
2. Gosick (So funny :D )
3. Inazuma eleven
4. Detective Conan
5. One Piece
6. Shirogane No Ou
7. Bleach ( a little though -_-")
8. Roserio+Vampire
And much more but I don't want to list them all since it will take a long time.
I adore music, all kinds. ( I don't really care, it depends on the lyrics I guess. -_-' )
I love reading stories as well. (Mostly mystery, suspense & crime...)
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║(o)║ music
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