My Stories 13
3k+Extraordinary Times »
The life of a young mutant is perilous enough on its own. Follow the experiences of a student entering the hallowed halls of the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, learning just what it takes and what it means to count himself as one of a race that is feared and targeted by many. Welcome to the X-Men, Bellamy Marcher - Hope you survive the experience.
X-Men, M, English, chapters: 48, words: 524k+, favs: 5k+, follows: 5k+, updated: 2/11 published: 4/1/2016, OC
3k+Naruto: Great Clan Days »
Senju Hashirama's dream to unify all of the warring clans of his country under one village remained just that; a dream. Generations later, the ninja world still consists of pure clan affiliation. Enacting peace through understanding has fallen to the side. A catalyst is needed for any kind of change to occur, and it is all found in a little boy... for better or for worse. AU.
Naruto, M, English, Adventure, chapters: 37, words: 461k+, favs: 6k+, follows: 6k+, updated: 2/11 published: 5/18/2013, Naruto U.
The Newest Challenger »
No way home? Maybe so. But one Uzumaki Naruto doesn't believe that. This world is strange, filled with interesting people and things, but no matter where you are one thing never changes; with a strong will anything is possible. A few clones never hurt either.
Street Fighter & Naruto, M, English, Adventure, chapters: 65, words: 837k+, favs: 5k+, follows: 4k+, updated: 7/28/2023 published: 12/4/2011, Naruto U.
10k+Better Left Unsaid »
Mizuki never got to shoot his mouth off at Naruto the night he took the Scroll of Seals. Other than skipping a half-manic monologue from him, what exactly did this change for everyone's favorite blonde ninja? Who knows? Rated M for language/later events.
Naruto, M, English, chapters: 85, words: 1081k+, favs: 20k+, follows: 19k+, updated: 7/28/2023 published: 12/14/2010, [Naruto U., Ino Y.] Team Ten
Less Than Zero »
It's one thing to enter the world of heroes and villains, it's another thing entirely to find your way back out again. That's a bitter truth to swallow when you want no part of the life to begin with. A hasty decision from a young man with his back against the wall sends him down a path of which there is no return. OC main character.
DC Superheroes, M, English, chapters: 47, words: 567k+, favs: 12k+, follows: 11k+, updated: 8/17/2022 published: 5/19/2014, OC
The Number 1 Hyperactive, Knucklehead Master »
A little bit of misdirection was needed to coax Naruto into Jiraiya's infamous three-year training trip... but was this really the kind of 'training' that was supposed to happen? Rated for language and possible situations later on.
Pokémon & Naruto, M, English, Adventure, chapters: 29, words: 347k+, favs: 4k+, follows: 3k+, updated: 10/26/2019 published: 1/5/2012, [Naruto U., Janine/Anzu] Jiraiya
History's Strongest Shinobi »
On that day years ago they put their faith in him, Naruto made a promise that he would be the best ninja he could be. Either all alone, or together with friends he was going to make his family proud. Whether the ninja underworld wanted him to or not he'd either die trying, or become the strongest shinobi in history. AU.
Naruto & Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple, M, English, chapters: 41, words: 557k+, favs: 3k+, follows: 3k+, updated: 3/5/2019 published: 1/11/2013, Naruto U.
Shinobi of the High Seas »
Naruto's age has passed him by as his time is over. Now he attempts to seek out a place for himself in the new world, and it's bigger than he ever figured it to be! Will be epic in length, NaruHarem
Naruto & One Piece, M, English, Adventure, chapters: 53, words: 588k+, favs: 13k+, follows: 11k+, updated: 11/26/2018 published: 9/10/2010, Naruto U.
1k+Naruto: Soldiers of Fortune »
AU in a more modern urban setting. Will be EPIC in length. Things aren't as they appear in this world. With a normal life out of reach, can Naruto figure out the mysteries that surround his existence and survive long enough to cash in on the potentially lucrative (and dangerous) career path of the mercenary? ...Either way it beats actually working for a living. NarutoxFem. Kyuubi
Naruto, M, English, Adventure & Humor, chapters: 52, words: 424k+, favs: 2k+, follows: 2k+, updated: 12/29/2017 published: 3/17/2010, Naruto U., Kyuubi/Kurama
The Battle Never Ends »
Taught from a young age to fight for his village, Naruto thought he knew what combat was all about. In the chaotic world he now finds himself in it won't take long for him to find out that he has absolutely no idea. There are no heroes on the battlefield.
Metal Gear & Naruto, M, English, chapters: 33, words: 386k+, favs: 2k+, follows: 2k+, updated: 10/28/2017 published: 5/30/2011, Naruto U.
True Warriors Never Die »
With enough time anyone can call themselves a master of life, but no matter how much time goes by one cannot truly understand existence as a whole without first having experienced death. How will one blond handle his brush with it? - "Wait... what?"
Naruto & Bleach, M, English, Adventure, chapters: 34, words: 388k+, favs: 8k+, follows: 7k+, updated: 10/16/2014 published: 1/30/2011, Naruto U.
The Sealed Kunai »
What if something made Naruto the dead-last that everyone sees him as? What if he really wasn't as weak as he seemed? The true Naruto, unleashed upon the shinobi world! AU Story starts at Invasion of Konoha arc and continues onwards.
Naruto, M, English, chapters: 69, words: 670k+, favs: 19k+, follows: 13k+, updated: 8/20/2013 published: 6/14/2010, Naruto U.
Fullmetal Shinobi »
On a night where his dream is put in jeopardy, Naruto must show how exceptional of a ninja he is by bringing an entirely new facet to the world of shinobi. Eventual NaruXOC OCxFemHaku. Will be EPIC in length. *Warning: First Story Written*
Naruto, M, English, Adventure, chapters: 68, words: 439k+, favs: 3k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 2/11/2012 published: 2/2/2010, Naruto U., OC