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DemiandSelenaFan PM
Joined Feb '10

She hates the sun
Cause it proves she's not alone
And the world doesn't revolve around her soul, no
She loves the sky
Cause it validates her pride
Never lets her know when she is wrong
And the black keys
Never looked so beautiful
And a p.e.r.f.e.c.t. rainbow
Never seemed so dull
And the light's out
Never had this bright a glow
And the black keys are showing me a world I never knew, no
Black Keys by the Jonas Brothers

Hey, my name is Emma! :P I'm seriously addicted to Fanfiction! I love it. My ships are Sonny With a Chance. And one Camp Rock. But that's it for the moment. I'm a teenager... older than 14 younger than 18, you're just going to have to guess! :D My fanfic friends are Abbie (Everafterjunkie) WHO IS AWESOME!! We literally talk for hours... haha about anthing. She is one of Sonny's sisters in I love Him, Too bad he can't see it, and she's a nerd but its all good cause she got me back by having me break up Channy in her fic The Voice Inside! Which is an awesome story. Go read it! And Abbie loves Ashes to Ashes and she introduced me so she is literally amazing for bringing Gene Hunt into my life. What would I do without her! Hehe we're such good fanfic friends that when i look up my fanfic username on google (which i frequently do!) her account comes up as the next result... haha :P I love Abbie in the totally creepy way (haha joke!)! But is awesome. Hence my above rant about her! And Sarah (Abnormally-Sweet-Person) who refuses to finish her story! :( Sarah is awesome too even if I'm convinced that she doesn't like me :P everytime i sign in she signs off! :) but I do enjoy our friday chats on msn! She is my total Jemi twin! The first time I talked to her she was staying up until 5am to see Jemi's first appearance as a couple at the KCA's 2010! :P My twesties who I love so much (in the creepy way XD)! Go check them out on fanfiction... So now my whole profile is about Abbie and Sarah. Thanks guys! Haha add me on twitter at Catch_Me_24! :D And don't be afraid to chat to me. I don't bite :D Actually Abbie and Sarah tell me I can be nice sometimes ;)

30/05/10 Quick addition to my ‘lovely’ profile. Had to add in Mona (aka sweetrelief.) to my list of awesome fanfiction friends. Unfortunately, I started talking to Mona because of story stealing. She contacted me to let me know about it, and then we got to chatting and now she’s like my twitter twin. Cause every cloud has a silver lining my dears :) She share's my love of Ben and Jerry's (Ben is mine, she has dibs on Jerry), she writes awesome fanfics, she dedicated a one shot to me (Eternal Humiliation, amazing go check it out now please), she let's me write her the longest most repetitive reviews ever, and actually reads them, and most imporantly, she shares my love of all that is Harry Potter, cried when Dumbledore died, and agrees that Snape is the most amazing fictional character ever created by anyone. We spazzed out about Snape once at 2 in the morning, which would've been fun only I had to get up at 7 ;) Mona is awesome (or amazing which are the only two adjectives I ever manage to use in my reviews on her stories) go check out her stuff :D

All thoes scars on her arms...dont worry. She said they're little notes to remind her of how many times you broke her heart

I like the way your hair falls in your face
got the keys to me
I love each freckle on your face, oh
I've never been so wrapped up, honey
I like the way you're everything I ever wanted
I had time to think it oh, over
And all I can say is come closer
Take a deep breath then jump then fall into me
Cause Every time you smile, I smile
And every time you shine, I'll shine for you

Jump Then Fall by Taylor Swift.

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