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TheFrozenMunk PM
Joined Feb '10


I am a Canadian who since childhood has always had a strong interest in books and more specifically in the writing styles of different authors. I am currently trying to figure out what exactly my writing style is so any comments or criticism on how I can improve are always appreciated. I am currently in University studying to be a High School Physics teacher and have a great love of science and maths, I believe that this attitude is often reflected in my writing and personally find irrational characters to be extremely aggravating.


-Space Fowl - This is an Ender's Game / Artemis Fowl crossover that all began with me reading Ender's game and thinking "I bet Artemis Fowl would be smart enough to go to Battle School" and here we are! The story is currently being rewritten as of May 2015 and hope to be able to finish writing it before 2016 if all goes well.

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