Updated spring 2019
~Hello fellow reader,
As you may have guessed from my username, my name is Sam and I spend way to much of my time reading on this site!
I started on this site so many years ago now that I don't even remember the year. I have grown as a person and my interests have grown and changed. Every time I would look at my cringe worthy pofile I would tell myself I better update it but...never got around to it untill today.
If on the microscopic chance someone other then myself is reading this feel free to send me a message anytime. I'm on this site nearly everyday at this point :)
For those that were brought here by my one lonly stuggle bus story I'm sorry but its not something I'm particularly fond of nor proud of but I will NOT be taking it down due to hating when that has happened to a story I love. I also never wanted to be a person who left a story unfinished because I have several in my follows that I dont have the heart to admit to myself that they will never be finished. So, I will not in the foreseeable future be updating it. I still have what I have written saved on my external hardrive but it will probably be there forever at this point. Sorry!
Maybe someday I will find the inspiration and passion to write something again but untill then I will continue to linger here, addictively reading ;p