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Unknown2615 PM
Joined Feb '10

If you have found yourself reading this profile then you have probably seen one of my reviews, cause that is all I do on this site besides read various fictions. I try to offer fair criticism on this site as I see a way for people to scratch their creative itch or improve their writing without any fear or real risk and that is a good thing. However with that said I do not pull my punches if I think I can genuinely help someone improve their writing. Why would I? if someone takes my advice to heart and improves their writing then I gain a better story to read and they have improved as a writer, Win-Win. If that comes off as me flaming someone all I have to say is you need to have a thicker skin toward people critiquing you on the internet. I may take up Betaing if I can find time but with my horrendous grammar and spelling mistakes it probably wont end well for anyone involved.

Not much to say about myself, I have a wide variety of interests as to what I read and some aspirations to write a story but otherwise nothing of note. I prefer world building epics over small interpersonal stories but ill still read those if the idea behind it is solid enough to me. I see following 'cannon' as a crutch in a lot of cases and love to read stories that have established characters in their Cannon stories change due to events in the fanfic. Doesnt matter to me if the Cannon character acts like X in their story and you portray them as Y so long as there is a reason as to why Y instead of X.

3/16/16: Current interests for stories are following a Fate/Stay Night pattern and if I get bored of that I will probably switch over to SAO or some crossovers to find a new series to follow, I can never really tell where my mood will land me until I'm browsing with nothing to read

8/26/16: Decided to re-read some of my old favorite Naruto stories and I think I'm going to do a purge of my favorites list. I started on this site back when I was a freshman in high school and I know for a fact that a lot of my tastes from then were shit.

10/11/21: Been a while since I updated this, kinda forgot I planned to when making it. Currently reading RWBY but I'm looking for a new Fandom to binge stories from. I read so much that eventually I feel I've read everything of value in that particular Fandom has to offer and I'm feeling that way for every Fandom I want to read stories from. Last time I did this I found RWBY and that has kept my attention for a heluva long time so this should pan out.

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