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Favorite Stories 238
1k+Always Smiling » by Ezzie Valentine After the defeat of Hojo, Vincent pays a final visit to Lucrecia who makes him promise her that he will start living life to its fullest. He finds the support he needs from a young ninja who is more like him than he thinks. Yuffentine, some CloTi others
Final Fantasy VII, M, English, Romance & Romance, chapters: 65, words: 258k+, favs: 453, follows: 297, updated: 2/19/2020 published: 4/12/2004, Yuffie K., Vincent V.
776 The Gift » by TheForceIsStrongWithThisOne Raven receives a strange gift on her 18th birthday, one that could have a profound effect her life, and Beast Boy's life as well.
Teen Titans, T, English, Drama & Romance, chapters: 36, words: 153k+, favs: 359, follows: 187, updated: 5/11/2017 published: 10/30/2010, Beast Boy, Raven
774 Faith and Feather » by Cheloya Rewritten. Complete. Nearly two years after Sephiroth's fall, AVALANCHE regroups at Yuffie's behest to track down the murderer/kidnapper of the Five Mighty Gods. The disappearance of Godo and Staniv, however, is just the beginning.
Final Fantasy VII, M, English, Romance, chapters: 31, words: 103k+, favs: 408, follows: 228, updated: 4/30/2017 published: 4/24/2003, Yuffie K., Vincent V.
1k+Of Pyjamas and Ironic Harmonies » by TheVulpineHero1 A collection of bite-size Yuffentine moments. Always open to prompts. Not updated every two days. Back in action! ...Again! Kind of!
Final Fantasy VII, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 162, words: 117k+, favs: 148, follows: 92, updated: 4/17/2017 published: 7/31/2010, Yuffie K., Vincent V.
42Black & White » by TheVulpineHero1 A series of connected oneshots that look at the strange relationship shared by Vincent and Yuffie.
Final Fantasy VII, T, English, Romance & Friendship, chapters: 6, words: 16k+, favs: 41, follows: 36, updated: 3/26/2017 published: 3/5/2010, Yuffie K., Vincent V.
373High School Changes » by FallingDarkAngel Raven Roth is a normal seventeen yearold girl, but after she gets away from her father and begins a new life with her mother, what exactly will change and what will her new school bring? RAExBB STARxROB CYxBEE JINXxKF TERxSPEEDY OCxHOTSPOT OCxGARTH
Teen Titans, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 28, words: 211k+, favs: 156, follows: 138, updated: 1/14/2017 published: 1/12/2007, Raven, Beast Boy
369In The Name Of Yuffie Kisaragi » by Yes-4-Yuffentine Concerning the humorous life of Yuffie and her life's dramas, which always seem to drag a certain gunman in. But Vincent doesn't seem to mind, knowing exactly how to turn the tables on her. He actually seems to enjoy that part rather a lot actually. [Language, adult themes] [Yuffentine, Cloti]
Final Fantasy VII, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 19, words: 141k+, favs: 225, follows: 217, updated: 8/10/2016 published: 6/23/2009, Yuffie K., Vincent V.
165Burning Alive » by BruHaeven When Wutai is destroyed by an unknown enemy, there is only one thing that matters to Yuffie: revenge. VxYx? (because what could be better than revenge, love triangles, and funky voodoo magic?)
Final Fantasy VII, M, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 13, words: 64k+, favs: 72, follows: 74, updated: 3/15/2016 published: 7/30/2010, Yuffie K., Vincent V., Reno, Rufus
248Sable and ivory » by Marilena Yuffie didn't know that playing with fire can get you burnt. Especially when the fire is Vincent... Yuffentine.
Final Fantasy VII, T, English, Romance, chapters: 13, words: 23k+, favs: 121, follows: 149, updated: 2/28/2016 published: 1/20/2007, Yuffie K., Vincent V.
36Tears » by Twilight DeLucca After the defeat of Omega and the disappearance of Vincent, Yuffie struggles to cope with the fact that he could be dead forever and finds that she can't imagine a world without the silent gunslinger. Yuffentine, Cloti, Cidra. Rated M for later chapters.
Final Fantasy VII, M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, chapters: 20, words: 21k+, favs: 43, follows: 57, updated: 10/11/2015 published: 12/30/2009, Vincent V., Yuffie K.
309 Deadly Concoctions » by Coquettish Siren [YUFFENTINE] [YuffiexVincent] - Yuffie is haunted by dreadful nightmares she fears may soon become reality. Can the Lord of Darkness himself save her from imminent danger, or will he be the source for her demise? -Rated M for adult situations-
Final Fantasy VII, M, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 29, words: 56k+, favs: 144, follows: 130, updated: 1/30/2015 published: 11/29/2006, Yuffie K., Vincent V.
140Thirty Moments with You » by Amarcrinum Little drabbles with Yuffie Kisaragi and Vincent Valentine, friendship and love. Post Advent Children to future moments. Yuffentine/VincentYuffie. Enjoy. [Currently editing the old; also attempting to finish it]
Final Fantasy VII, K+, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 24, words: 24k+, favs: 55, follows: 60, updated: 1/26/2015 published: 5/22/2009, Yuffie K., Vincent V.
481Hate Your Heroes » by Buckle When the world turns against them, the heroes become the hated, and the only people who believe them is each other. Last time they had to save the world. Now, they have to make the world believe it.
Final Fantasy VII, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 27, words: 141k+, favs: 283, follows: 268, updated: 11/18/2014 published: 1/3/2007, Yuffie K., Vincent V.
45My Little Demons » by GirlEnigma Vincent's beasts are starting to get the better of him and he's the only one who Yuffie can turn to for help. Yuffentine. Rating may change.
Final Fantasy VII, T, English, Romance & Fantasy, chapters: 5, words: 15k+, favs: 36, follows: 48, updated: 8/6/2014 published: 2/28/2006, Vincent V., Yuffie K.
25The Unlikely Cinderella » by Clever Eagle Yuffie's father wants to remarry, but there's one problem; the woman is EVIL. So what's a ninja princess to do? Run off and steal materia of course! However, when she is caught stealing from the Prince of Midgar, things get ugly.
Final Fantasy VII, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 4, words: 4k+, favs: 13, follows: 25, updated: 6/10/2014 published: 10/28/2010, Yuffie K., Vincent V.
59Down the Rabbit Hole » by marylizabetha Yuffie travels back in time and meets a younger, more content Vincent Valentine. As my consciousness slowly came back to me, I noticed the I.V in my arm. I leaned over the side of the bed and was met with a very nice pair of black shoes, but it was too late. BLAH!
Final Fantasy VII, T, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 14, words: 22k+, favs: 47, follows: 71, updated: 6/1/2014 published: 8/10/2010, Yuffie K., Vincent V.
119He loves her, he loves her not » by EeveeHearts Yuffie and Vincent are always arguing. She thinks he's trying to stick his nose in everywhere. He just wants to help. Gradual Yuffietine. CloTi and probabaly some more pairings.
Final Fantasy VII, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 24, words: 47k+, favs: 47, follows: 42, updated: 3/30/2014 published: 6/1/2008, Yuffie K., Vincent V.
166Questionably Young » by Nami7623 I'm too young. That's what they tell me. That's what he told me. I don't care, I'll never believe any of it. If he wants a fight he'll certainly get one. I'll hit him with everything I got because I fight dirty. VxY
Final Fantasy VII, M, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 20, words: 33k+, favs: 110, follows: 160, updated: 3/12/2014 published: 8/11/2010, Yuffie K., Vincent V.
283Restless » by The Rickaboo A drabbleish account of the development in Yuffie and Vincent's relationship, from Meteor to post DoC.
Final Fantasy VII, M, English, Friendship & Romance, chapters: 113, words: 54k+, favs: 127, follows: 100, updated: 2/23/2014 published: 11/15/2007, Vincent V., Yuffie K.
82Ringside Romance » by DouglassWolf Tifa Valentine does not understand boxing. Her brother Vincent is a Newspaper editor who enjoys the sport. When he takes her to see the fight of a certain blonde boxer her world will turn upside down. CloTi, Yuffitine, T for now, Maybe change it later
Final Fantasy VII, T, English, Romance, chapters: 17, words: 28k+, favs: 46, follows: 66, updated: 8/16/2013 published: 12/12/2009, Cloud S., Tifa L.
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