I discovered fan fiction--and became a big fan--a few years ago, after completing the Sookie novels. I prefer and enjoy, however, FF's variety, plots twists & turns, and more explicit (Mature) material. Charlene Harris' plots (and extraneous subplots) became too ridiculous over the years and her writing became way too PG with each subsequent book. On FF, I have no use for the censorship types who impose their limited views on the rest of FF readers. If you don't like the sex talk, keep to the K stories.
My minor complaint about FF (and related Wordpress writers) is that I want updates faster. And I'd like more writers to complete their stories and not leave us hanging. I enjoy a lot of the writers, especially California Kat, Nats Girl, and FarDereisMai2 (from the early years). I love EricIzMine's writing and was very sad when she died; such a loss! I appreciate all the FF and Wordpress writers' efforts and creativity!
I live near Chapel Hill, NC, and retired from the software industry. Shortly before turning 60, I left a past-due 32 year relationship, repaired and sold the big family home (purging my life literally and figuratively), and downsized to a smaller house. Also took on a number of lovers, which I whittled down to 2 for a couple years, and now one, with whom I live. New friends and new activities. I'm ready for whatever the next few years bring.