Country:Ireland:) Ireland ROCKS!
Age: Pssh,as if I'd tell you that!
Hmm... were should I start? Well, my favorite books are Percy Jackson and the Olympians and maybe Harry Potter. Favorite films are The Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Chronicles of Narnia, (mostly the second one), Iron Man and...yeah,stuff like that.
My favorite color's blue, favorite flower's a lily or a tulip,favorite singer is Taylor Swift (she's soooo cool),favorite animal's a horse but I'm allergic to them:(
I have dark brown hair that goes to my shoulder, blueish gray eyes and I'm about 5'3. As a person, I'm quite shy when you first meet me but after you get to know me I can be pretty fun:)
Top ten favorite Percy Jackson characters.
Nico di Angelo
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Thalia Grace
Travis Stoll
Connor Stoll
Grover Underwood
Blackjack! (gotta love him)
Top ten favorite Harry Potter characters.
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Sirius Black
My Mother Taught Me
1. My mother taught me RELIGION.
"You better pray that will come out of the carpet."
2. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"
3. My mother taught me LOGIC.
"Because I said so, that's why."
4. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC.
"If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me."
5. My mother taught me FORESIGHT.
"Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."
6. My mother taught me IRONY.
"Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about."
7. My mother taught me OSMOSIS.
"Shut your mouth and eat your supper."
8. My mother taught me CONTORTIONISM.
"Will you look at the dirt on the back of your neck?"
9. My mother taught me about STAMINA.
"You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."
10. My mother taught me about WEATHER.
"This room of yours looks if a tornado went through it."
11. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY.
"If I've told you once, I've told a million times. Don't exaggerate!"
12. My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.
"I brought you into this world, I can take you out."
13. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION.
"Stop acting like your father!"
14. My mother taught me about ENVY.
"There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't
have wonderful parents like you do."
15. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
"Just wait until we get home."
16. My mother taught me about RECEIVING.
"You're going to get it when you get home!"
17. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
"If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they're going to freeze that
18. My mother taught me ESP.
"Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?"
19. My mother taught me HUMOR.
"When the lawn mower cuts of your toes, don't come running to me."
20. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.
"If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."
21. My mother taught me GENETICS.
"You're just like your father."
22. My mother taught me about my ROOTS.
"Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?"
23. My mother taught me WISDOM.
"When you get to my age, you'll understand."
24. My mother taught me SHAPE-SHIFTING.
"You'll turn into a sausage if you eat any more."
25. My mother taught me JUSTICE.
"One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!"
You wear lip gloss.
You love to shop.
You wear eyeliner.
You wear the color pink. (Yuck! I hate pink!)
You go to your mom for advise.
You consider cheerleading a sport.
You hate wearing the color black.
You like hanging out at the mall.
You like manicures and/or pedicures.
You like wearing jewelry. (My parents don't like me wearing jewelry though)
Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe. (Blame my mom)
Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
You don't like the movie Star wars. (That is one crappy movie)
You were/are in gymnastics/dance.
It takes you around/more than one hour to shower, get dressed and make-up. (Substitute make-up for doing my hair)
You smile a lot more than you should.
You have more than ten pairs of shoes.
You care about what you look like.
You like wearing dresses when you can.
You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne.
You love the movies.
You used to play with dolls as a little kid.
You like putting make-up on someone else for the joy/joke of it.
You like being the star of everything. (Nah, I'm too shy)
Total= 10/24...not bad!!
You love hoodies.
You love jeans.
Dogs are better than cats. (I have two cats)
It's hilarious when people get hurt.
You've played with/against boys on a team.
Shopping is torture.
Sad movies suck.
You own/ed some sort of gaming devise.
Played with Hot wheels cars as a kid.
At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
You own/ed a DS, PS2 or Sega.
You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
You watch sports on TV. (Yeah, but as little as possible)
Gory movies are cool.
You go to your dad for advise.
You own like a trillion baseball caps. (Not even one)
You like going to high school football games.
You used to/do collect football/baseball cards.
Baggy pants are cool to wear.
It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
Green, black, red, blue or silver are one of you favorite colors.
You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
Sports are fun.
You talk with food in your mouth.
You sleep with your socks on at night.
Total=8/18. More than I thought . . .
If you hate, hate, HATE, H A T E it when people go "I suck at summaries" in their summary, because they really should think about what they put in their summary as carefully as they should think about their actual story and not wast people's time writing "I suck at summaries", when that is neither a summarization of their story nor any use to anyone, not even those who appreciate modesty, because that's not being modest, that's a failure to sell yourself or your story - especially when you think about books in bookstores, and try to think of the last time you looked on the back of a book and found the author saying, "Sorry, I suck at summaries!" - copy and paste this onto your profile.
If you are in love with fictional characters, copy and paste this onto your profile.
If you always have your daydreams to keep you company and talk to, copy and paste this onto your profile.
If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy and paste this onto your profile.
If there are times when you wanna annoy someone for the heck of it, copy and paste this onto your profile.
If you are anti social sometimes, copy this onto your profile.
Ninety-eight percent of teenagers have tried smoking pot. If you're one of the two percent who hasn't, copy this onto your profile.
If you have ever fallen going up the stairs, copy this onto your profile.
If you've ever pushed on a door that said pull (or Vice Versa) copy this onto your profile.
If you've ever asked a really stupid, obvious question, copy this onto your profile.
If you've ever felt like just running somewhere, copy this onto your profile.
If you've ever copied and pasted something onto your profile, copy and paste this onto you profile.
If you read people's profiles looking for things to copy and paste onto your profile, copy and paste this onto your profile.
If you haven't died yet, pat yourself on the back and copy this onto your profile.
If you've ever forgotten what you were going to say right before you said it, copy this onto your profile.
If you've ever read past three in the morning, copy this onto you're profile and don't tell my parents!!!
If you don't review I won't write, if I don't write you won't review. If you think people should review after they read, copy this onto your profile.
Chocolate chip cookies are the best!! If you agree, copy this onto your profile!
If you think people who don't like PJO are crazy/stupid/losers, copy this onto your profile.
Recent studies show that 92 percent of teens have moved onto rap. If you are part of the 8 percent who hasn't, put this on your profile.
If you hate those obnoxious snobby people, PLEASE copy this onto your profile!
If you read all 5 PJO books, copy this onto your profile.
90 percent of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you would be one of the ten percent laughing/hacked the site in the first place, copy this to your profile
97 percent of teens would have a breakdown if Miley Cyrus was standing on the edge of a six story building. Copy this onto your profile if you would be part of the 3 percent yelling JUMP!!
92 percent of American teens would die if Abercrombie and Fitch told them it's uncool to breath. Copy and paste this onto your profile if you would be in the 8 percent that would be laughing their asses off at the others!
Percy Jackson Pledge:
I promise to remember Percy
whenever I'm at sea
I promise to remember Annabeth
whenever a spider comes at me
I promise to protect nature
for Grover's sake of course
I promise to remember Luke
when my heart fills with remorse
I promise to remember Chiron
whenever I see a sign that says "free pony ride"
I promise to remember Tyson
whenever a friend says they'll stick by my side
I promise to remember Thalia
whenever a friend is scared of heights
I promise to remember Clarisse
whenever I see someone that gives me a fright
I promise to remember Bianca
whenever I see a sister scold her younger brother
I promise to remember Nico
whenever I see someone who doesn't get along with others
I promise to remember Zoe
whenever I watch the stars
I promise to remember Rachel
whenever a limo passes my car.
Yes, I promise to remember PJO
wherever I may go
So all may see my obsession
because I know what the Olympians know!
this is this cat
this is is cat
this is how cat
this is to cat
this is keep cat
this is a cat
this is loser cat
this is busy cat
this is for cat
this is forty cat
this is seconds cat
Now go back and read the third word from the beginning of each line, and I bet you can't resist passing it on!
Now list 12 of your favorite characters from your fandom, in no particular order. Then answer the questions about them.
1. Nico
2. Thalia
3. Travis
4. Annabeth
5. Percy
6. Connor
7. Grover
8. Poseidon
9. Hades
10. Chiron
11. Athena
12. Aphrodite
1.Have you read a 6/11 fic? Do you want to?
Connor and Athena?? What the hell!!!
2. Do you think 4 is hot?
. . . no.
3. What would happen if 12 got 8 pregant?
Everyone would laugh at Poseidon?
4. Can you recall any fics about 9?
Yeah, a few.
5. Would 2 and 6 make good couple?
Probable not . . .
6. 5/9 or 5/10?
Percy and the Lord of the dead or Percy and his camp counselor? GROSS!!! Don't even go there!
7. What would happen if 7 walked in on 2 and 12 kissing?
He would probable faint . . . poor Grover.
8. Is there any such thing as 1/8 fluff?
Good God, I hope not! It's just wrong!
9. Suggest a title for 7/12 hurt/comfort fic.
Desperate Aphrodite???
10. Does anyone on your friends list consider 3 hot?
11. Do any of your friends write or draw 11?
Not as far as I know.
12. would anyone on your friends list write 2/4/5?
Thalia and Annabeth fighting over Percy. Not my style but it makes sense.
13. If you wrote a Song-fic about 8, what would you choose?
Some sort of love song for him and sally:)
14. If you wrote a 1/6/12 fic, what would the warning be?
Probable T for . . . a lot of thing I don't want to think about right now.
15. When was the last time you read a fic about 5?
Today . . .
16. (1) and (7) are in a happy relationship until (7) dumps (1) for (9). (1), brokenhearted, goes on a date with 11, has a one night stand with (12), then follows the wise advise of (5) and finds true love with (2).
Nico and Grover are in a happy relationship until Grover dumps Nico for Hades (what the hell? ha ha, hell! get it?). Nico, brokenhearted, goes on a date with Athena, has a one night stand with Aphrodite, then follows the wise advise of Percy, (since when was Percy wise??), and finds true love with Thalia.
17. What title would you give this fic?
Everybody has a happy ending. D'ya like it?? 'Cause I don't:)