Just In
Weird Pair PM
Joined Apr '10

I set this profile up as a gift for my friend, kingsdaughter613. She really likes Star Wars, I saw the original 3.

Never the less, we make up Star Wars fanfiction together. So, I created a shared profile for us. And since my profile is pretty much devoted to Batman, I figured I'd put most of my favorite Star Wars stories here.


P.S. I'm usually the mature character's voice.

Kingsdaughter613 here! I'm usually the humorous one. In other words, I come up with all(most all) of the good lines. I'm also our Star Wars lore mistress. Despite what Princess says this account is for both of us. And yes, I did get my name from hers, and there is a reason behind the number 613. Virtual chocolate if you figure it out!

Leia's going right causes a break from the real Star Wars universe. Since all time is but a single moment, this has several repercussions, including the fact that our Vader is not as badly injured as he is in canon.

In each family a story is playing itself out, and each family's story embodies its hope and despair. - Auguste Napier This is the theme quote for our entire story.

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