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Favorite Stories 69
639Of Silver and Gold » by Lady Nuit "I COMFORTED THAT MURDERIN' TRAITOR"As Amorette died, she promised her child to never be known as a Black, but as a Malfoy. Angel Malfoy, falling for the traitor named Harry Potter. But who truly is the traitor? Her father, or her for loving a Gryffindor.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 68, words: 342k+, favs: 598, follows: 686, updated: 1/23/2023 published: 9/11/2010, Harry P., Luna L., Neville L., OC
215Don't know what you have until its gone by twilightlover4ever123 It was suppose to be easy, simple. I wanted a divorce, she begged me not to, she cried and pleaded, I said we grew apart. She claimed to love me, I was convinced my love for her had died. She tried to save our marriage, with everything she had, there was nothing more to fix, we were broken from the start.
Twilight, M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 126, follows: 195, updated: 2/26/2020 published: 8/31/2010, Bella, Edward
98 Of Love, Lies and Quidditch » by SecretlyAGryffindor I hate Oliver Wood. I hated him with a passion. Why? Maybe because he was a pompous Quidditch obsessed git. I can understand loving Quidditch, but this guy lives and breathes it! And on top of that he has to have that adorable smirk full summary inside!
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 25, words: 82k+, favs: 117, follows: 162, updated: 12/23/2019 published: 10/12/2010, Oliver W., OC
4k+ Green Eyed Monster » by sphinxs-legend Audrey Potter hates the technicalities that constantly drag her into trouble with her twin brother, Harry. But when she finally starts to prove herself by crawling from behind her brother's overbearing shadow during the Triwizard tournament, she begins realizing that it may have been better to just stay hidden...slow-burn Draco/OC. Swearing. Spoilers in Reviews!
Harry Potter, T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 111, words: 1438k+, favs: 4k+, follows: 3k+, updated: 6/6/2019 published: 7/26/2011, [OC, Draco M.] Harry P., Fred W.
107Breathless » by AmmoMck She didn't care that it was Albus and that all she had wanted to do to him the past week was chop his head off, put it on a stick and wave it in his family's face. She just let it happen. But when he suggested they try and change her dress, upstairs, she really shouldn't have gone with him, and certainly shouldn't have let what was to follow happen. Next Gen. Rated T for Pregnancy.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 21, words: 65k+, favs: 113, follows: 156, updated: 6/5/2019 published: 10/14/2013, [OC, Albus S. P.] Scorpius M., James S. P.
543Love Got In The Way Of What Wasn't Meant To Be » by Fire Fay "We have to do everything we can to make sure the future doesn't come true," Draco frowned. "Agreed," she nodded. This plan could work. After all, how hard could it be to avoid falling for Draco Malfoy? Rated M for a reason. Fully Revised.
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance & Angst, chapters: 95, words: 188k+, favs: 464, follows: 494, updated: 7/12/2018 published: 5/11/2013, [Draco M., OC] Luna L., Blaise Z.
186The Circle » by JemmadA A time-travelling story where reality blends into our favourite world, James and Lily get a chance for life and our dear Sirius... well, I won't spoil the fun.
Harry Potter, M, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 35, words: 71k+, favs: 135, follows: 165, updated: 2/8/2018 published: 2/24/2011, OC, Sirius B., Lily Evans P., James P.
107When foes become friends » by Live Laugh Love 94 When Harry ends up accidentally in the past as an eleven year old boy with Tom Riddle, what adventures will they go along? What will make their bond stronger? What humour will time create? Rated T for language. Read, review & enjoy xD
Harry Potter, T, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 22, words: 27k+, favs: 296, follows: 330, updated: 7/24/2017 published: 10/10/2009, Tom R. Jr., Harry P.
175You and I Are Fools » by EverFLIE Do you believe in fate? There are some things in this world that don't happen by chance. He didn't want her. She didn't want him. But they have to be together. How long will the torture go on before they fall in love?
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama & Romance, chapters: 34, words: 91k+, favs: 96, follows: 137, updated: 9/25/2016 published: 7/19/2010, Draco M., OC
47 Filling in the Blanks » by RegalGirl94 The war is over and all is well until Hermione, Ginny and Angie get a request from Dumbeldore that will change all their lives forever. What is in store for these three girls as they travel back in time to 'fill in the blanks?
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Friendship, chapters: 23, words: 57k+, favs: 124, follows: 65, updated: 8/9/2016 published: 3/5/2010, Hermione G., Ginny W., Regulus B., OC
279Living In the Shadow » by Go Radio James was a year older then me, and we were nothing alike. He's the incarnation of perfect. He gets good grades, he's a star quidditch player, he's popular, he's a Gryffindor. Then there is me. Jade.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance, chapters: 21, words: 71k+, favs: 150, follows: 171, updated: 4/19/2016 published: 12/29/2010, Sirius B., Regulus B., OC
119Remember the Time » by WordsbyMoonlight Hermione Granger is different, and is not who she originally thought. Why is Draco Malfoy suddenly involved in her life and what part of her past connects the two?
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 20, words: 20k+, favs: 107, follows: 131, updated: 8/3/2015 published: 6/26/2010, Hermione G., Draco M.
39What Now » by MusicWhispersLyrics Kay's been through the ups and downs, but can she handle the twists and turns?Paul makes her feel like she might as well not have been born his sister.Will she find the truth of it all?Seth's been with her thick n thin.What happens when he phases?NEW TITL
Twilight, T, English, Drama, chapters: 12, words: 22k+, favs: 14, follows: 30, updated: 5/14/2015 published: 2/4/2011, Seth, Paul
329 Secrets Burnt at Both Ends » by orangezauber The Marauders are curious as to why Remus gets letters from a mysterious girl by the name of Becky. Remus is tired of his friends trying to figure out who Becky really is. And Becky wants to know why Remus won't introduce her to his school friends. The summer before 7th year, Remus must stop this friends from meeting Becky and revealing his biggest moonlit secret.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Friendship, chapters: 41, words: 120k+, favs: 299, follows: 200, updated: 4/11/2015 published: 7/2/2012, Remus L., OC
25 Adara Scrimgeour and the Hunter's Obsession » by MrsStarrick COMPLETE! Adara was a renowned auror until she had everything taken from her and tossed to Fenrir Greyback's brutal and unforgiving hands. In a world where her life hangs by nothing but a thread, Adara must learn to survive or be dragged down, and along the way, discovers where her heart truly lies. (warnings: Smut, possible OOC, Half-AU, gore, Character-Death.)
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance, chapters: 10, words: 54k+, favs: 75, follows: 54, updated: 8/6/2014 published: 6/21/2013, Fenrir G., OC
61 The Girl Of My Dreams » by May Vulcan *REVISING CHAPTERS 1-23* *FINAL CHAPTER OUT* Dream after dream, Harry keeps seeing a girl that can just give him butterflies in his stomach. His only problem with this is that every time he comes even close to seeing the face of this girl he wakes up. *Full Summary Inside*
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Friendship, chapters: 24, words: 33k+, favs: 156, follows: 125, updated: 7/19/2014 published: 6/27/2011, [Harry P., OC]
41The Perks of Being Elizabeth Goodbody » by All I really want is for Albus Potter to love me. And I know that I'm his best friend and stuff, but I shouldn't have to try so hard. I mean - what can I say? I'm a smoking hot dude magnet. Guess I fell for the one bloke looking for more than that.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 12, words: 42k+, favs: 34, follows: 52, updated: 5/28/2014 published: 9/8/2011, Albus S. P., OC
190Comparisons and Differences » by ICan'tThinkOfACleverUsername Sophie Potter has always been compared to her brother. By her parents, her teachers, and everyone else she knows. Now she's here to tell you that she is not the person everyone sees her to be. That she is different.
Harry Potter, T, English, chapters: 54, words: 59k+, favs: 136, follows: 124, updated: 1/28/2014 published: 12/11/2011, James P., Regulus B., OC
151Maybe » by MistressKirya13 Sequel to Undisclosed Desires Irina Labelle had left Hogwarts to fulfill her new life as a mother. She left behind her friends, her family, and Oliver. Nowadays,Irina spends her time taking care of her baby and hiding from her old life. Oliver/OC
Harry Potter, M, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 32, words: 44k+, favs: 72, follows: 115, updated: 12/23/2013 published: 4/3/2011, Oliver W., OC
119Black Secrets » by A Marauder's Quill (Undergoing a revamp. Updated chapters will be reposted soon)
Harry Potter, T, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 18, words: 527, favs: 126, follows: 140, updated: 10/19/2013 published: 5/15/2011, Harry P., Ron W., Hermione G., OC
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