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Favorite Stories 3
5 First Impressions by Slytherin - Fanatic 911 Side story of off Natsuyasumi. Satoshi finds out that he has a sister and Krad finds someone that actually cares for him. NOTE: Sayuri is my own character peeps, so leave her alone!
D N Angel, T, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, words: 4k+, favs: 12, follows: 3, 8/16/2010, Krad, Satoshi H.
8 There Once was a Boy with Blue Hair by The Lantern The humerous tale of Satoshi's adventure in wonderland... "There once was a boy with blue hair He lived in the country with his stuffed bear One day when he was seven and a half years old He fell down a rabbit hole..."
D N Angel, K, English, Parody & Poetry, words: 467, favs: 8, 1/10/2010, Satoshi H.
224 Angel you are not » by sanzohakkaigal Accepting a dare made by her friends, Hiku Sayo sneeked into the museum where Dark was going to steal a vase but what she didn't know was who she was going to meet. And this dare changed her life forever... KradxOCxDark DaisukexRiku SatoshixOC
D N Angel, T, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 36, words: 54k+, favs: 103, follows: 45, updated: 5/25/2007 published: 11/6/2005, Krad
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