Just In
Keimarios PM
Joined May '10

Hello People and any other sentient creatures that have taken time to read this profile of mine.

I am Keimarios, a guy, and I won't give my real name because that's never a good idea to do on public sites like this one. I like big explosions, Filipino foods like lumpia and puto, and sweets, mostly those with chocolate in them. I usually spend my free time on the Internet or playing Pokemon games on my DS and DS lite (the DSi cameras look useless for game entertainment in my opinion). I don't like people who think they're better than other's because they brag about their expertise in one subject while completely failing at many others, rich bitches, and times when my computer can't connect to the Internet. A few dreams/goals for the future: Learn Chemistry. Meet a nice alien, preferably a human like female one like in most sci-fi romance animes. Have one of my works result in Earthlings finally choosing to lengthen their existence by finding another inhabitable planet before this one blows up in a couple billion years give or take. Go to college, learn how to drive, cook, make a slingshot, and run a lot are some of my other goals along the way of my life that I wanna do.
Favorite three anime songs: Saidai Seichi Carnival (Patty's character song from Lucky Star), Sakasama Bridge (ed of Arakawa Under the Bridge), and Bakusou Yume Uta (ed 3 of Soul Eater)

you know what screw it, too many songs that are earworms.

Favorite manga series in no particular order:

Katekyo Hitman Reborn



The World God Only Knows (Kami nomi zo shiru sekai/TWGOK)

Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)




Sora no Otoshimono

Fairy Tail

Witch Hunter (this is a manhwa so its Korean reading from right to left for those who don't know, a bit cartoony at first but really sexy about 15 chapters in thanks to art evolution)

and more...I have a list that is too large for my profile.

Books I've read:

A Midsummer Night's Dream

The Giver

The Absolute True Diary of a Part-time Indian

The Poisonwood Bible

The Twilight saga

The Harry Potter Series

Books 1-3 of the Inheritance Cycle (you know, the one with Eragon and that blue dragon Saphira)

How to Train Your Dragon

The Temple of the Golden Pavillion

and more...

and a bunch of Shakespeare (the guy put multiple innuendos in his plays, read carefully and you'll lol)

Favorite anime in no particular order:

Katekyo Hitman Reborn

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha, A's and StrikerS

B Gata H Kei

K-On! and K-On!!

Zero no Tsukaima

Chrome Shelled Regios

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

To Aru Majutsu no Index

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun

Fate/stay Night

Strike Witches and Strike Witches 2

The World God Only Knows

Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt

Star Driver (Ginga Bishounen! Taubarn!)

Eureka 7


Favorite Abriged Series:



Death Note


Yu Yu Hakusho

G Gundam

Primary manga sites:


Onemanga (though dead)



Websites that you visitors might find useful or amusing:

TV Tropes

South Park gender bender deviantart (an amusing fan comic in my opinion, be warned, does contain erotic references and no I don't read porn but still understand this stuff and its hella funny)

ListentoYouTube (convert your favorite songs into MP3 form)

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