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bountyvocca PM
Joined May '10

A place that keeps hope, imagination, togetherness, and friendship

Bebobobo and Thepoetry present



A section entitled 'Weather' ('Cuaca'). This section is meant to be the title of all One Piece canon fiction(s) consolidation from us in the future. So, all the canon fiction(s) that we will make, will mutually continuos. It can be said that we wil make fiction(s) that possibly can be inserted in One Piece's manga plot. So that it will 'affecting each-other' in the canon fiction(s) that we will publish next, or it can be said as sequel-ed but still in one range of title.

Sebuah section berjudul 'Cuaca'. 'Cuaca' ini dimaksudakan sebagai judul seluruh gabungan fic canon One Piece dari kami nantinya. Jadi semua fic canon yang akan kami buat nantinya akan saling berkesinambungan. Bisa dibilang kami akan membuat fic-fic yang sebisa mungkin dapat diselipkan dalam alur manga One Piece. Sehingga pasti akan berdampak satu sama lain dalam fic-fic canon yang akan kami publish selanjutnya. Juga dapat dibilang bersequel tapi masih dalam satu lingkup judul.

'Cuaca/Weather' Project-- 1)Weather 2)Wetter


A section to store every Original AU-setting fiction project for us. Different with the Canon Section, the fiction(s) in this section are not correlated to each other, or it can be said as 'stand alone'. The project of our Original AU section are the fiction(s) that is dedicated for Hitorijanai Infantrum Challenge. The fic-publishing are not in this account, following the regulation of the challenge. But divided into two (2) parts in thepoetry's account and bebobobo's account. And still, the story wholeness are belong to bountyvocca.

Sebuah section untuk menampung semua project dari fanfic berlatarkan Original AU dari kami. Berbeda dengan Canon section, fic di section ini tidak terkait satu sama lain atau berdiri sendiri. Project fic dari Ori AU section kami adalah fic yang didedikasikan untuk Hitorijanai Infantrum Challenge. Publish fic tidak di account ini sesuai ketentuan dari challenge. Namun, dibagi menjadi 2 bagian di account thepoetry dan account bebobobo. Tapi keutuhan cerita adalah karya milik bountyvocca.

'Hitorijanai' Project -- RETENTION (Penyimpanan/Daya Ingatan/Ingatan). Sebuah kisah tentang memori...

Bagian satu di account thepoetry: Retention: Return (complete)
Return (Kembali/Membantah): Part 1 Reverse (Membalikkan) dan Part 2 Retrace (Mengusut Kembali)

Bagian dua di account bebobobo: Retention: Recur (still in progress)
Recur (Kembali/Terjadi Lagi/Terulang): Part 1 Repeat (Mengulangi)

Bountyvocca's Agent

Bebobobo as Agent Voc. Seorang agent Ide dan Kerangka bountyvocca.
Voc, as the agent of Idea and Framework of bountyvocca

Thepoetry as Agent Cca. Seorang agent Deskripsi dan Narasi bountyvocca.
Cca, as the agent of Description and Narration of bountyvocca


When One Piece becomes one's inspiration of words in story, lines and colors in an artwork. The inspiration deserves a place where its appreciated, so does every one who inspirated by the epicness of One Piece. Join . An Indonesian One Piece Fanwork Forum. :)

Bountyvocca's Achievement

Weather : The Best Canon/In Character Multichapter Indonesian Fanfiction Award 2010. Reward.

Retention: Return : The Best Five Angst/Tragedy Multichapter Indonesian Fanfiction Award 2010.

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