Hi, first thing you need to know about me is that I'm a reader - not an author. I have a good life, but like many, it's full of goofiness and tension. So, to relax, I read - a lot. And mostly Twilight fanfics. I am in awe of people who are brave enough to put their original stories - their babies - out there for anyone to see and comment about. Thanx to you all, tho, I have a lot of reading enjoyment in my off-hours.
I'm 60-something, mom of two grown adults, and nana to the most perfect granddaughter in the world. I am also a retired special ed teacher, and that experience makes me look at life left-handed. (I don't know if I could ever relate to a general ed classroom. I'm not used to students understanding what I say the first time I say it!)
Found this site through a recommendation of a story on IMDB (odd place, I know). I do tend to get too caught up in your stories, so if my reviews seem weird, like I'm thinking things are REALLY happening, just take it as a compliment!
Favorite Twilight character? Alice
First FanFic author I ever read? My-Bella, and her stories have brought me hours of reading fun.
Favorite story? Probably Bella Swan, Kidnapper (KambriaRain) and Fuggiasco (kdc2239) - but there are so many awesome stories out there that it's really hard to narrow it down!
Favorite thing to do now? Go to different twific meet-ups and meet people who understand my obsession!
Favorite nuttiest thing ever done? Wrote a one-shot with my IM/FF buddy, biblepam, for the Die, DaddyC, Die! contest. And I must reiterate - I'm a reader - NOT a writer! But I sure had fun trying!