Just In
Akuun Kyande PM
Joined Jun '10

Gender: female

home: where ever brother is!

favorite anime/manga: fate/stay night, d. grey man, claymore, higurashi, umineko, host club, hellsing, it goes on for a while...

favorite videogames: disgaea, soul nomad, brawl, ff9, kingdom hearts, many more...

favorite story: 'yet again with a little extra help' by Third Fang

personality: random, hyper, sometimes make little to no sense xD very friendly.


I am the younger sister of Third Fang. I am not much of a writer, in fact, big brother tends to tease me when i try. BUT i am very detailed when it comes to fixing others work. i doodle a bit (nothing impressive) and enjoy cosplaying (although not that well ^.^000). my DA is http:/// that is where i post all fan art and such if i make any...

I would LOVE to make a story with someone. i have millions of ideas, but just need help stringing them together, if i had a partner to do that with, that would be great help and fun!


not "registered" as an official Beta yet because I finally got around to making an account, but feel free to throw me a message if you need one. fine with blood and such, just no hentai, okay?

I'm not good at writing stories of my own, but i am a very good beta at flow and catching grammatical errors. I have random (but often) creative moments where i come up with fun scenes for any character sets and often assist with other people's writer blocks. I am Third Fang's Beta and take pride in helping him with his work. i have no problems with helping others and thoroughly enjoy doing so.

well, that's about it, i guess!

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