Just In
Oyako-sama PM
Joined Jul '10

Hey guys. I've deleted all of my stories because I want to start fresh. Thanks for understanding! :)

I love Harry Potter!! My life long goal is to meet either J.K. Rowling OR one of the characters. All of my stories are going to be in the Harry Potter fandom, so please check them out!

Harry Potter couples I ship:

Hermione/Draco-J.K. Rowling admits in an interview that Draco had feelings for her!!!

Padma/George-I don't know, I thought they looked cute together? :-/

Parvati/Fred-See above.

Luna/Ron-Mr. Bloody Hell + Ms. Lion Hat=

Ginny/Harry-One of the only canon couples I ship.

Pansy/Blaise- I felt bad for Pansy, she needs someone!!

Fleur/Bill-Ginger and the veela!!


My first story is going to be called, "Letters to Loved Ones", which will feature probably every couple listed above. I've started writing it and so far it shows promise, so please please please wait for it!

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