My Stories 67
1Final Fight »
My take/fix it fic on what Season 3 could have been. Cross-posted from AO3 because FF deserves more fics. Also contains mentions of character death, same sex relationships and characters not tagged to avoid spoilers.
Fate: The Winx Saga, T, English, Romance & Supernatural, chapters: 3, words: 7k+, favs: 11, follows: 15, updated: 11/16/2024 published: 3/18/2023, Bloom, Sky
The Paradox
One man made a deadly mistake, one The Doctor can't fix. Female 17th Doctor (no option to just add The Doctor), OC Male Companion/OC Male lightly
Doctor Who, T, English, Sci-Fi & Mystery, words: 3k+, favs: 1, 5/13/2024, OC, 13th Doctor
What If Peter Stayed on Earth »
What If... Peter was never picked up by Yondu? Peter gets glimpses of a life he never lived, a future with a green woman who looks familiar, space fairing adventures with ships and blasters. He might be crazy, but he's fine with it. Rating will go up for Chapter 3.
Guardians of the Galaxy, T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 2, words: 3k+, favs: 1, follows: 2, 4/29/2024, [Peter Quill/Star-Lord, Gamora]
You Have My Word
My take/theory on how Ellie's birth may go in The Last Of Us HBO show.
Last of Us, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, words: 1k+, favs: 6, follows: 3, 1/24/2023, Ellie, Joel, Marlene, Anna
3Until It Hurts »
"You of all people should know people aren't black and white." She carefully unbuttoned his shirt, her fingertips grazing the skin on his chest. "Bad people can do good things and good people can be naughty in the right situations." Cross posted from AO3 Chapter one glitched, now updated.
Star Wars, M, English, Romance & Suspense, chapters: 2, words: 3k+, favs: 7, follows: 12, updated: 1/15/2020 published: 1/11/2020, [Obi-Wan K., Padmé Amidala] Anakin Skywalker, E. Palpatine
3Power »
No one is invincible, it doesn't matter if they have powers or not. Piper and Leo knew this, but couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to their family. This story focuses on Wyatt, Chris and Melinda; and what it is like to be three of the most powerful witch hybrids to walk the Earth.
Charmed, T, English, Family & Supernatural, chapters: 4, words: 5k+, favs: 11, follows: 12, updated: 9/29/2018 published: 4/24/2018
Heading North
Slight Detroit: Become Human AU. Markus gravitatedtowards North, especially since they had shared their pasts. One Shot.
Detroit: Become Human, T, English, Romance & Sci-Fi, words: 677, favs: 7, follows: 3, 6/2/2018
6Until Dawn One Shots »
A collection of one shots requested by readers from Quotev, Wattpad, AO3 and . Various pairings. Rated T to be safe.
Until Dawn, T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 3, words: 3k+, favs: 4, follows: 2, updated: 2/17/2017 published: 11/19/2016, Mike, Beth, Hannah W., Chris
Eye For An Eye
Based on the trailer for The Last Of Us Part 2, and theorising on what may happen in the game. Strictly a One Shot! Rating to be safe.
Last of Us, T, English, Horror & Hurt/Comfort, words: 688, favs: 7, follows: 4, 12/3/2016, Ellie, Joel
People say that you cannot make people up in your dreams; the face, the body of the person, or people, in the subconscious mind must be seen to be instilled into dreams. I don't believe that, I think I somehow made up a perfect guy that would exist, who is only in my dreams. If I met him face to face, I might just die, if he smiled, I totally would. AU setting, no bionics.
Lab Rats, 2012, K+, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 1, 11/20/2016, [Bree, Adam] Chase
Hurt But Not Broken (Revised and Revamped)
The NEW sequel to Shield Precious People, the original Hurt But Not Broken is still up. AJ and Dean attempt to make their lives normal again, but with AJ back on the road again, life seems to become anything but simple. Rating MAY change.
Wrestling, T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, words: 998, favs: 5, follows: 6, 11/19/2016, [AJ Lee, Dean Ambrose]
15Years Passed »
Flashbacks to the past. Bree thinks back to her time starting at the Davenport's. Specifically about Adam. The Lab Rats know they aren't related. Adam/Bree fic. Rating may change.
Lab Rats, 2012, K+, English, Romance & Sci-Fi, chapters: 3, words: 2k+, favs: 11, follows: 5, updated: 11/19/2016 published: 12/8/2013, [Adam, Bree]
Safe Place »
Sam, Jess and Mike survived that horrible night. Jess wouldn't contact either of them, and maybe Mike wasn't as strong as Sam thought. Slight Sam/Mike
Until Dawn, T, English, Supernatural & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 1k+, favs: 16, follows: 7, updated: 11/17/2016 published: 11/15/2016, Mike, Sam
4Guardian Angel In The Flesh
Post events of TFTB with an AU setting. Youll see what I mean when you read it. Rhys was just beginning to rebuild Atlas after Jack caused Helios to crash land on Pandora; Jack may be gone, but his family ties might not be erased.
Borderlands, T, English, Romance & Sci-Fi, words: 1k+, favs: 11, follows: 8, 3/11/2016, [Angel, Rhys]
Annoyingly Cute
Dick could be annoying when he wanted to be, and Barabra just feigned like she was listening. SHORT ONE SHOT!
Young Justice, K, English, Romance, words: 373, favs: 20, follows: 6, 2/7/2016, [Barbara G./Batgirl, Richard G./Nightwing]
Hal never remembered when he got angry. Barry remembered everything. Every bruise and cut would heal, but the physical and mental scars would remain. Barry has Iris, she is his true lightning rod. Established Hal/Barry WARNING: EXTREMELY DYSFUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIP!
Flash & Green Lantern, M, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, favs: 1, 1/30/2016, Barry A./Flash II, Iris A., Hal J./Green Lantern II/Parallax
4Time Travelling Twins »
A set twins who have seemed to show up out of nowhere have captured the interest of The Flash for two reasons. But he has to figure them out before they mess anything up. Or, do they know exactly what they're doing, and Barry is the one who is clueless this time?
Flash, T, English, Romance & Supernatural, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, favs: 12, follows: 15, 1/4/2016, Barry A./The Flash, Iris W., Wally W.
3Legal Justice »
AU. Megan, Conner, Dick, Wally and thier friends and family all help out in the legal system in anyway they could. Follow as the small group of young adults and best friends solve crimes and put guilty parties behind bars, while dealing with their own personal problems along the way. Rating for Death, swearing, drug and sexual situations.
Young Justice, M, English, Romance & Crime, chapters: 2, words: 6k+, favs: 4, follows: 6, 1/3/2016, Richard G./Nightwing, Conner K./Superboy, Wally W./Kid Flash, Megan M./Miss Martian
Transversing Through Time
WARNING: IN THE STORY BELOW THERE ARE MAJOR SPOILERS OF EPISODE FIVE, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED OR WATCHED SOMEONE PLAY THIS EPISODE. How Max gets out of this mess, and what she has to sacrifice to do so. She hates that she even has to do all of this. Rating for death, drugs and explicit swearing.
Life is Strange, M, English, Sci-Fi & Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 5, follows: 3, 10/20/2015, Max C., Nathan P., Warren G., M. Jefferson
18What If »
Spoilers for the end of Episode Four and theories on Ep Five later. Max travels to an alternate time after what happened at the dump, but everything in this world seems normal-ish. No animals dying, or double moons. Maybe she was mean to end up here. Contains romance as a third genre.
Life is Strange, T, English, Sci-Fi & Friendship, chapters: 4, words: 4k+, favs: 42, follows: 71, updated: 9/27/2015 published: 7/31/2015, [Max C., Nathan P.] Chloe P., Victoria C.