Creature Of The Nite PM
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208What Works Real Good with Slayers »
This is a re-write of the series. Spike is a teenaged slayer, Buffy is his vampire nemesis. Also, Drusilla is a vampire with a soul. AU.
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, T, English, Supernatural & Sci-Fi, chapters: 68, words: 111k+, favs: 91, follows: 101, updated: 9/17/2012 published: 10/3/2011, Spike, Buffy S.
7 Life's Short, Slice Fast »
Lorelei is abducted by Dexter...which leads to surprising results!
Gilmore Girls & Dexter, T, English, Humor & Family, chapters: 2, words: 1k+, favs: 6, follows: 4, updated: 5/2/2011 published: 4/23/2011, Lorelai G., Dexter M.
2Joan Columbia
This is my take on Columbia's origins. Joan Columbia, a college student, is desperate to find the cure for the disease killing her sister. But will she risk venturing to the castle of a rumored mad scientist to get it? Read to find out...
Rocky Horror, T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 1k+, favs: 3, 3/20/2011, Columbia, Magenta
7 Highlander: Stars Hollow
This is a one-shot where immortal Kirk fights another immortal an OC in the town square, with the rest of the Stars Hollow residents watching from Luke's Diner.
Highlander & Gilmore Girls, T, English, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, words: 1k+, favs: 6, follows: 1, 2/21/2011, Kirk G.
26Just in Time »
Cody reveals he has built a time machine in his cabin, and takes the 'On Deck' gang Him, Zack, Woody, London, Bailey, and Ms. Tutweiller on a trip to the past. But when something goes wrong, they become lost in time...
Suite Life series, T, English, Sci-Fi & Adventure, chapters: 13, words: 15k+, favs: 13, follows: 14, updated: 10/1/2010 published: 8/26/2010, Cody M., Zack M.
6 Get Out of Here, Billy
I wrote this after seeing David Yost's NoPinkSpandex interview. This story deals with Billy Cranston struggling with what he really is, and how society's unacceptance makes him want to be unseen, invisible, like a...Phantom? One-shot. Small bit of slash.
Power Rangers, T, English, Drama & Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, favs: 7, follows: 2, 8/30/2010, Billy C., Phantom R.
16The Last Guys On Earth »
Two years after biological warefare grips the world, everyone else is either dead or have regressed into Zombies. Zack and Mr. Moesby are possibly the only two humans left in the world. Can they find a cure? Or is this the end for humanity?
Suite Life series, T, English, Supernatural & Friendship, chapters: 5, words: 5k+, favs: 4, follows: 6, updated: 8/24/2010 published: 8/5/2010, Zack M., M. Moseby
4 20,000 Leagues »
London forces Zack, Cody, and Bailey off the ship; they are rescued by a descendant of Captain Nemo, who happens to be an old friend of Cody's.
Suite Life series & Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, T, English, Humor & Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 4k+, favs: 4, follows: 3, updated: 8/21/2010 published: 8/3/2010, Cody M., Captain Nemo/Prince Dakkar
9The Black Shade »
Mr. Moesby gave up his life as a crime fighter years ago. However, after Woody and Kirby are injured in a robbery on the ship, he decides that it's time for The Black Shade to return...
Suite Life series, T, English, Crime & Humor, chapters: 5, words: 6k+, favs: 6, follows: 4, updated: 8/11/2010 published: 7/23/2010, M. Moseby, E. Tutweiller
4 The Next Day
This is what happened the day after "Countdown to Destruction". Cassie and The Phantom Ranger. Zordon is reincarnated. Bulk and Skull explain their bravery. TJ reunites with an old friend. Andros, Karone, Zhane, and Ashley go to the beach. One Shot
Power Rangers, T, English, Fantasy & Sci-Fi, words: 2k+, favs: 9, follows: 3, 8/10/2010, Zordon, Phantom R.