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mrjordanriver PM
Favorite Authors 39
Adamant39 10
Advent of Shadows 5
Angstier 3
ArachCobra 9
Barb LP 11
Beedle 2
Darkpetal16 24
DerLaCroix 7
Eilwynn 35
Fictional Fanatic from Fimfic 3
Fulcon 1
HaikenEdge 3
Kaiimei 50
Kamikaze132 7
Kwan Li 7
KyKyuKai 18
Legend of the Kyuubi 7
LysandraLeigh 4
MarauderLover7 13
OfPensandSwords 5
Perhentian.en 2
Ruinous Crow 18
Shadenight123 42
Stargon1 14
Syraxes 7
Twubs 11
Waki Paki 6
William Theodore Savage 4
WriteShop 30
Z.J Wilson 3
black blade1 14
burnable 8
cloudmatter 3
confusednarutofan 6
crave-the-rave 4
ctc1000 3
maneyan 15
slythefoxx2 12
starspangledpumpkin 158
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