About me...well I am a wannabe history major working on my associates degree in, you guessed it, History. I also fully intend to become a teacher at whatever University here in Texas will accept me. In my spare time when I'm not pulling my hair out due to assignments, I play games, read, watch movies and of course attempt to write some fan fiction. I have all sorts of inspirations to write, and a dozen unfinished works. I like everything from Mass Effect to Harry Potter and Dragon Age and recently Naruto. Of course I am also very picky on what stories I read. I cannot, for the love of god I CANNOT stand reading long stories with less than 1000 words per chapter. Call it a pet peeve of mine but thats just me. Another thing that gets to me no matter what is CONSTANT, and I mean CONSTANT misspellings and other grammatical errors and the author makes no effort to improve. If you acknowledge that you make them, that's cool, at least you know whats wrong and I'm fine with that. I won't jump down your throat about it, I'm not a dick like that.
I'm also a very inquisitive person, so if I find a story that I like enough I will pester the author for details, even if you don't give them, or only drop hints at all.
Also a shout out to all the authors on the site. You guys got more courage than I do right now. Maybe at some point I'll gain the stones to post something up here.
Personal favorite characters throughout my life:
Dragon Age:
Why Morrigan you ask? Because she is the most emotionally rich character I have EVER seen and despite her waspish and sometimes cruel nature, she is absolutely perfect.
Alistair is that sarcastic and humorous soul that just makes people laugh or even smile with his words even when he's being serious. Again, like Morrigan he is emotionally rich.
Mass Effect:
God who in Mass Effect DOESN'T love Tali and if you say you don't I shall slap you until you agree. She's spunky, clumsy, awkward and completely and utterly devoted to Shepard and his/her cause.
Like Tali, he's one of those you always love and if you look at it, pre-relationship with a female Shepard, he treats her not only like a commanding officer, but like a sister, just the way he treats the male version like a brother. Garrus and Shepard are the Galaxies proof that despite all the hate, it can be put aside to forge an unbreakable bond.
Harry Potter: I have several issues with the story in cannon that make me turn to fanfiction.
1. Albus Dumbledore. I know a lot of people see him as a relatively good man. And for the most part he is, but I also see where his vast amount of power could and is a corrupting influence. I always felt that he NEVER trained Harry properly. Honestly? Harry should have been learning spells that kill Death Eaters, not disable them. Being a good person works out, but when you're in the heat of battle "Nice" just doesn't work. Add to the fact that Dumbledore seemed to know too much but share too little. That WREAKS of shady.
2. The Horcruxs. Simply put, I hate those fucking things. They aren't a bad idea in retrospect but that still doesn't help the fact that I hate the little bastards. Sure, lets do damage to your soul, you know that thing you need to keep your body as more than a living husk? But that's not what gets me. Voldemort somehow "Accidentally" made one out of Harry. I don't buy that for a goddamn second. Why? Because you have to go through the process of making that happen. No, I think snake face knew that Lily would give up her life to protect her kiddo, and knew that her magic would protect that baby. So he created the Scar Horcrux and "Killed himself" to use up another one.
Onto pairings!
Oh Harry, where can I begin to describe how awesome you can be. From Rowlings books to the Fan Fic, you see what kind of person he can be, or even possibly will be. It's truly endless to see the kind of man he can be.
Ah, dear Hermione, you are as smart as you are vastly stubborn and sometimes stupid. For all those things I believe you are a great person no matter what.
I admit that I am satisfied with the overall ending of Naruto, especially after the last Naruto movie. My disatisfaction lays in the fact that Sasuke has seemingly not paid for any of his goddamn crimes or the fact that he's even still alive. After everything he did, Sasuke Uchiha is still alive. Why is this so?
And about Sasuke, he is officially the biggest dick in the entire Narutoverse. Sure he was a good guy, hell he was a decent kid up until he got bitten by Orochimaru, after that I have nothing but disdain for him. I hope Naruto realizes that Sasuke is BEYOND redemption and gets off his hump and KILLS him.
Now onto pairings
Naruto/Hinata - Even though people claim there is an overuse of the pair, it's still a cute couple and it is looking more and more like a cannon pairing.
Naruto/Sakura - Now while I can see this pairing because they have been together since the beginning, I can see it more from a perspective of them being like Jiraiya and Tsunade minus Naruto being a lech and a pervert.
Naruto/Yugito- I was only recently introduced to this idea via a variety of outcomes, all of which are awesome.
There are others, but I'd be going on for a long long time. I hope to get my first story posted up here soon. I am also offering my services as a beta reader and I can offer constructive criticism. Mind you that is CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM NOT FLAMING! Flaming will only be used to make smores.
Favorite Quotes and sayings:
Your hair is the color of piss and fail! -Soren from Shinobi of the High seas. I about Died laughing when I read that.
I like people. Seriously I do...at a distance.- Me
I dislike Pazaak, I often suspect my opponent of cheating. - G0-T0 from KOTOR II
When the world is about to end, smile, because the next adventure is about to begin. -Unknown author.
No fate but what we make for ourselves. - Sarah Conner from Terminator
Are you permanently stuck in asshole mode? - My friend to me.