Yo, cant really tell you much about myself...but your wondering why? :L Well I work undercover for Pegasus (STAR) in my area. Sounds interesting huh? :L ( laugh again ) yea it is if you like going to different schools all the time & hanging with chavs & druggies.
Anyways, about my stories. Got a couple of sample chapters being posted up, reviews welcome!! Will carry a couple on if they get good reviews. x
Bye (: xx
K.T x
Okay, so...just got a couple of questions here, p/m me if you can give me an answer!!! xxxxxxxx
1) How should it all end?
Well just wanted to know how you think my - currently - only story JUNK should end. I suppose you guys will find it easier once I've got chapter 8 up...but oh well. Just p/m me your ideas xxxxxxxxxx :)
2) To write or not to write x
So, I also read the Chestnut Hill series as well as CHERUB, do you think I should write a story for this series? If so p/m as above, and I might put a sample chapter up. If you love horse then check these books out, they are pretty sick x :L xxx
So bye bye for now K.T xxxxxxxxxxxxx P.S love you guys!!! thans for all your help :) x
(STAR)Pegasus is this organisation for kids who want to go into working undercover for th government in the future. Its hard to get into - its not just what you know, its who you know. If you wnat to know more, p/m me and we can meet up (i do live in the UK btw :L). You do mailnly work for the police, but some with MI5. Very exciting tbh xxxxx Theres only 30 of us and its nothing like CHERUB at all, but I wish it was, CHERUB sounds much more exciting!!!! ;) xxxxxxx