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Elphaba Cullen PM
Joined Sep '10
Hi. I'm addicted to well written angst, but with a mandatory happy ending Bellice - that's Twilight Alice and Bella Slash Fic for those poor unfortunate fools who don't already know. I've now started to publish my first attempt at writing Bellice myself... don't know how often I'll get to updating, it's a very slow process writing a story - at least it is for me, and I want to do it right. I'm not in this as a review whore, but if you like it, or have suggestions on how to better my writing, please let me know. I know I have problems with the ' character and how to use it - people have explained the rules, but it kinda goes in one ear and out of the other - so if that kind of typo winds you up - best don't read my stuff. If you're a Bellice writer, please write more - longer chapters, fewer days between updates and crank up the angst before the happiest of happy endings - then write a sequel! ;) I need my daily fix, and it's getting slow on here for Bellice updates... esp. ones that aren't written by 3 year olds. The Edge - chapters 3 & 4 are probably the most powerful words and story telling I've EVER READ - When Alice starts braying in pain and angst - that imagery will stay with me for ever.
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