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DarylDixon'sgirl1985 PM
My Stories 1153
3Life Finds a Way (And Love Saves the Day) It's a strange phenomenon when a man becomes pregnant. One that no one knows how to handle well. And it just so happens to be the situation that Oliver Wood and Percy Weasley find themselves in.
Harry Potter, T, English, words: 1k+, favs: 4, follows: 3, 9/9/2024, [Oliver W., Percy W.] Audrey W.
1Clue A fun murder mystery party at Hogwarts turns into something more. Or does it?
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama, words: 1k+, favs: 4, follows: 1, 5/24/2024, Lavender B.
1To Be a Guitar Hero The Granger-Weasley-Snape family has a little moment of family bonding.
Harry Potter, T, English, Family & Drama, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 1, 5/3/2024, [Hermione G., Severus S.] Rose W., Hugo W.
Surviving Giza Anthony Goldstein has visions of being a slave building the ancient pyramid of Giza but what will happen when he goes to the site?
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama & Supernatural, words: 2k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 4/20/2024, Marcus F., Padma P., Anthony G.
1Helena's Revenge Helena Ravenclaw gets revenge upon the man who killed her.
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama & Supernatural, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, 3/29/2024, Helena R., Bloody Baron
1 Poetry for the Soul Regulus has always loved poetry which is why enjoys Muggle Studies class. This year they are learning poetry and their professor has just assigned some very interesting homework. Write a poem and read it out loud to the entire school. Will Regulus be able to read his poem to the one he loves and the rest of Hogwarts? Or will he back out in defeat?
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama & Angst, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 3/15/2024, Regulus B.
Tracing the Untraceable Path Muggle/Detective!AU. When mysterious murders start cropping up among Harry's friends and old schoolmates will he be able to piece the clues together to figure out who is behind the crimes? Or is the culprit much closer than he thinks?
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama & Crime, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, 2/22/2024, Harry P., Dennis C.
6 In An Ice Cream Daze Severus Lives and Marries Hermione!AU. Hermione and her family make ice cream on a hot summer's day.
Harry Potter, T, English, Humor & Family, words: 1k+, favs: 9, follows: 4, 2/15/2024, [Hermione G., Severus S.] Rose W., Hugo W.
2A Plan Most Foul and Wonderful The Black family is one of Wizarding England's most prolific Assassin's Guilds. But lately, they've been slacking and Narcissa's mother has decided that she, Narcissa, will be the one to stop this trend. How? By assassinating her soon-to-be husband Lucius on their wedding night. But what happens when Narcissa can't go through the plan?
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, 1/18/2024, [Lucius M., Narcissa M.]
2Cafe Dune Paul Atreides finally makes his mind up to speak to the barista behind the counter at his favorite coffee shop: Cafe Dune.
Dune, T, English, Drama & Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 2, 11/17/2023, [Chani, Paul A.]
2Fate of the Targaryens An overheard conversation brings things to light for both Alicent and Rhaenyra. Fate can be cruel to some but kind to others.
A song of Ice and Fire, T, English, Drama, words: 968, favs: 9, follows: 5, 11/14/2023, [Aegon II, Rhaenyra T.]
When Ants Attack It was a nice spring day until they decided to get their revenge on humanity.
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama & Parody, words: 1k+, favs: 2, 11/11/2023, [Cho C., Dudley D.] OC
Letting Go of Maybe Edgar and Bellatrix go on a fake date after being confronted by her sister and Lucius.
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama, words: 1k+, 11/3/2023, [Bellatrix L., Edgar B.]
A Strange Bonding Experience Severus and Ron bond over Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama & Humor, words: 975, favs: 4, follows: 5, 10/31/2023, [Hermione G., Severus S.] [Lavender B., Ron W.]
1The Loki Twins Mythology!AU. What happens when George and Fred try and cut off all of Narcissa's hair without getting caught? And will they be able to bribe their way out of trouble this time?
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama, words: 870, favs: 2, follows: 2, 10/23/2023, [Lucius M., Narcissa M.] George W., Fred W.
2Severus's First Friendship Bracelet In an attempt to bond with his stepdaughter, Severus takes her to make friendship bracelets.
Harry Potter, T, English, Family & Humor, words: 952, favs: 6, follows: 3, 10/16/2023, Severus S., Rose W.
1Assassin's Vow Assassin!AU. When young assassin Harry is sent on a job to kill Draco Malfoy he never imagined that he'd end up making a plan to get both of them out of their jobs with both The Ministry and The Death Eater Consortium. But when it comes to the ones we love you do anything to protect them, right?
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama & Angst, words: 1k+, favs: 8, follows: 6, 10/7/2023, [Draco M., Harry P.]
1UnBirthday Tea Party Canon Divergence!AU. Bellatrix comes home to find her husband and young child having a tea party.
Harry Potter, T, English, Family & Drama, words: 1k+, favs: 4, follows: 2, 9/19/2023, [Bellatrix L., Edgar B.] OC
Advising Mistress Victoire Victoire has trouble getting to sleep and goes to the only place she can think of late at night where she can find comfort.
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama & Hurt/Comfort, words: 1k+, favs: 4, follows: 3, 9/18/2023, [Teddy L., Victoire W.] Dobby
2 Easter the Bunny Severus helps Hermione's children believe in the Easter Bunny in a very special way.
Harry Potter, T, English, Family & Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 10, follows: 3, 9/14/2023, [Hermione G., Severus S.] Rose W., Hugo W.
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