Joined Dec '10
Hi Everyone!!
I'll spare you all the boring details of my life story and make this quick!! ;)
You can call me BB, I'm in my early 20's and obsessed with all things Twilight and FanFiction!! I only ever read ExB Fics and they have to have a HEA!! I'm a Hopeless Romantic at heart but don't mind a bit of Angst every now and then, even though I am a Huge Angst Wimp!!
I'll be Forever grateful to Twilight and FanFiction for the Amazing wonderful friends that I have made through this Fandom!! I love my Crazy Cows to bits!! I'm Thankful (and Sympathetic ;) ) that they put up with my Crazy, Random, Annoying Ass!! Lol
I'm a Team Edward Girl through and through!! Hence why I only read ExB Fics.
And that's pretty much it!! :) Xoxo BB