Just In
kiraofthefunk PM
Joined Jan '11

Hi, I'm Kira, or Kiki, depending on your preference.

I'm twenty and currently at university doing a degree in Egyptology somewhere incredibly rainy. Blame YU-GI-OH! for that one...

I love anime, but I find it quite difficult to stick with something right until the very end. My particular favourites are Death Parade and anything in the Nasuverse. I don't really read a lot of manga, but if anyone wants to recommend something I'll gladly check it out.

I like videogames too, but again tend to be a bit stop-and-start with them. The only things I play consistently are Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts and fate/Grand Order.

As for writing... I try. However, I'm lazy. As you can see, the one story I still have on here hasn't been updated in forever and honestly it isn't likely to be anytime soon. Unless I have some kind of sudden strike of inspiration, which I doubt, likelihood is I'm more destined to be a reader than a writer.

Anyway, thank you for reading this little "get to know me" thing, just send me a message or something if you have any questions or just wanna talk. New friends are welcomed~

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