Favorite Stories 86
Post Mortem » by
Donna Dekaren
What if you read a letter from someone you loved and learned that they loved you in return, but only after it was too late to late to do anything about it? Spock received such a letter from Kirk. Rated M for strong sexual content and language.
Star Trek: 2009, M, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 2, words: 10k+, favs: 188, follows: 18, updated: 7/10/2024 published: 11/13/2011, [J. Kirk, Spock]
Roman Holiday » by
Kirk/Spock: Jim and Spock beam down to a planet where "love" is all around. When the leader mistakes Jim and Spock as a couple, this invokes feelings Jim didn't know he had. Please review and/or fave. Thank You.
Star Trek: 2009, M, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, favs: 90, follows: 9, updated: 7/10/2024 published: 11/21/2011, [J. Kirk, Spock]
The Cat Came Back » by
neko no warai
There's a new threat against Camelot, and Arthur is determined to find out what it is. Merlin thinks he has the perfect plan. After all, who would suspect an innocent cat? Unfortunately, Merlin needs a bit more practice with shape-shifting magic...
Merlin, T, English, Adventure & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 11, words: 29k+, favs: 230, follows: 233, updated: 6/18/2020 published: 1/31/2012, Merlin, Arthur
254The Thing About Bad Pennies » by
They always come back. CHACK, WIP
Xiaolin Showdown, M, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 10, words: 75k+, favs: 376, follows: 333, updated: 11/21/2015 published: 12/31/2013, [Jack, Chase]
Accidents Happen » by
After a fight between Sam and Peter during a battle gets one of them hospitalized, the two of them have to end up putting aside their differences to try and work as a team. At first, it's an actual challenge, but soon enough they realize they have more in common than anyone thought. (This is a terrible summary, it sounds all. . . Sappy. Ew. It's a good story, okay? SpideyxNova fic)
Ultimate Spider-Man, T, English, Suspense & Angst, chapters: 14, words: 19k+, favs: 190, follows: 108, updated: 9/18/2013 published: 5/12/2013, Peter P./Spider Man, Sam A./Nova
Fun Comes In All Forms by
Three fun (silly) drabbles about being in a three-way relationship. K/S/M.
Star Trek: 2009, T, English, Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 21, follows: 6, 8/7/2013, J. Kirk, Spock, L. McCoy/Bones
Romancing The Bones (A trilogy) » by
Formerly Words Can Hurt but Doctors Can Heal. Was originally a challenge answer one-shot that morphed into a trilogy. M/M/M, McSpirk. Definitely Rated M. Forgive the slight OOC-ness, this was one of my first for this fandom. I think the OOCness becomes less with each entry. Please R&R if you feel inclined.
Star Trek: 2009, M, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 3, words: 17k+, favs: 208, follows: 21, updated: 6/1/2013 published: 2/23/2012, J. Kirk, Spock, L. McCoy/Bones
ain't got no future or family tree by
(((That one fairy-taleish AU where Steve is a King of a country and Danno used to be married to a princess of another country, and they meet on a battlefield.))) "Look, I'm sorry about your father," Danny finds himself saying, and McGarrett, no, Prince Steven, huffs out what sounds a lot like a fuck-off to Danny. He can't help but feel equally pissed-off and sympathetic towards
Hawaii Five-0, T, English, Romance & Fantasy, words: 9k+, favs: 27, follows: 4, 5/25/2013, Steve M., Danny W., Grace W.
Field Trip by
Masked Macabre
Spidey finds himself being paired up with Sam during a field trip to the zoo - full of the most dangerous and deadly animals. Enjoy, peeps. :3
Ultimate Spider-Man, K, English, Romance & Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 46, follows: 17, 5/9/2013, Peter P./Spider Man, Sam A./Nova
For You, A Thousand Times Over by
For Spock, I'd do anything. I'd rather suffer every agony for him, just to see him happy. He hates me, I know he does, underneath that impenetrable, Vulcan exterior. That doesn't stop me from feeling the way I do - love, for him, a thousand times over. SPIRK, SLASH, RATED M, MALExMALE SEX, DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ. ONE SHOT
Star Trek: 2009, M, English, Romance & Angst, words: 6k+, favs: 272, follows: 41, 4/15/2013, J. Kirk, Spock, Spock Prime
The Cat That Walked By Himself by
Everyone has a soul animal, but the ability to see them has faded. Harvey possesses not only the ability to see them but also to transform into his own soul animal. Harvey likes to think of himself as the cat that walks by himself, but that changes when he meets Mike Ross, and comes face to face with the rarest soul animal of all…
Suits, T, English, Supernatural & Humor, words: 9k+, favs: 110, follows: 22, 2/2/2013, Harvey S., Mike R.
Atlas » by
Angel Baby1
Between what was and what will be stands James Tiberius Kirk, in all his fractured patchwork glory. Because saving the Federation was only the beginning. Eventual K/S
Star Trek: 2009, M, English, Adventure & Drama, chapters: 25, words: 146k+, favs: 5k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 1/18/2013 published: 8/31/2009, J. Kirk, Spock
Birthday Wishes » by
Birthdays are a time for laughter, presents, and reminiscing. Harvey's birthday is here and its time for the usual birthday gifts and shenanigans. First chapter Donna/Harvey. Second chapter Harvey/Mike.
Suits, K+, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 12k+, favs: 20, follows: 6, updated: 9/30/2012 published: 9/26/2012, Mike R., Harvey S.
Potion of Love » by
Arthur was the most eligible bachelor in Camelot. A village girl wants to become queen and with the help of a sorceress she sets her plan in motion slipping him a love potion, but what will happen if it doesn't go quite as expected? Slash/Merthur
Merlin, M, English, Romance & Angst, chapters: 25, words: 84k+, favs: 583, follows: 281, updated: 9/27/2012 published: 1/18/2012, Merlin, Arthur
Let me touch you » by
Dean made a mistake, he needs to fix it, NOW!
Supernatural, M, English, chapters: 7, words: 3k+, favs: 8, follows: 2, 9/19/2012, Dean W., Castiel
Resistance is Futile by
Kirk forces himself into a confrontation with Spock. Being in the Vulcan's private room leads to desirably unexpected consequences. Can Kirk resist? Will Spock allow him to? M/M Slash
Star Trek: 2009, M, English, Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 327, follows: 70, 9/7/2012, J. Kirk, Spock
DeanxCastiel Yaoi by
Tally Winchester
When Cas is alone in a hotel room and waiting for the brothers to return, he decides to try the very human task of taking a shower. When it goes hilariously wrong, Dean intervenes and tries to teach Castiel how to really do it...but the term "Do it" becomes literal, and a strong hunter is brought to his knees in pain, only to return with a prayer of love to his guardian angel.
Supernatural, M, English, Romance & Humor, words: 4k+, favs: 27, follows: 5, 8/29/2012, Dean W., Castiel
Break Down by
With Donna gone, Harvey's been on edge. Harvey finally falls apart after he accidently hurts Mike. Light Slash. One-shot.
Suits, K+, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, favs: 169, follows: 29, 8/2/2012, Mike R., Harvey S.
That Which the Heart Remembers » by
Spock gets temporary amnesia after an away mission gone awry. In answer to a challenge, the details of which are inside. M. K/S. Slight OOC for amnesic Spock. DONE!
Star Trek: 2009, M, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 7, words: 29k+, favs: 351, follows: 72, updated: 5/6/2012 published: 4/12/2012, Spock, J. Kirk