Just In
Taykitty PM
Joined Feb '11

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you all know that from now on any updates on what is going on with my stories or review responses will be posted on my tumblr page :)

http : // taykitti . tumblr . com No spaces

Tay xx

My Stories:

One in the Same (The Sisters Grimm) (One Shot ) (Complete)

Sealed in Blood (Danny Phantom) (Re-Write) (Multi Chap) (Incomplete)

Bastard (Game of Thrones) (Two Shot) (Incomplete)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: I know I have been neglecting my stories recently, I won't try to make an excuse because honestly, there isn't one good enough. No matter how busy I have been I could have still squeezed in an update here and there. I am, however, pleased to tell you that you can be expecting more regular updates from me from now on. Should there be any change to this I will be sure to let you know. -Tay (18th July 2016)

UPDATE: Some of you may have noticed I have changed the status of my story 'Bastard' to incomplete. This is because I plan to add another chapter once the series has ended on what his thoughts may be at that point. Jon has been through so much and has already changed significantly, so I believe it will make an interesting contrast comparing beginning Jon to end Jon.

Upcoming Stories:

The Little Wolf Girl (Game of Thrones) (One shot)

Never Broken (Harry Potter) (Multi Chapter) (OC Centric)

About me:

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Country: Australia

Author: Follow Favorite

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