Hey, my name is Laura. I'm a Whovian and gosh, isn't Dr Who just one of the most amazing things to ever happen? 50th anniversary is something I'm still coming to terms with. Hopefully they can fix all the timeline errors they made. Apart from that I have a vested interest (considering the hours I've put into reading them) in Naruto, Hunger Games, and certain fanfictions in the Twilight area.
I may have been a writer if I had had the motivation to write more than short descriptive pieces. Long plots unfortunately are not my forte although I have tried but my story really is am embarrassment. If you want a laugh go read it. I had only managed the first part of my story from there it was going to turn into something else but there we go. No motivation. I'm like Shikamaru just not as smart. :) Thank you fanfictioners for allowing me to become absorbed in your characters and plots and heartbreaks and giggles. I would be bored without such an easily accessible and free reading resource!
With love,