Just In
Arizzato PM
Joined Nov '02

Pairings I love:

Naruto:Sasunaru, KakaIru, AnyNaru, ShikaIno, LeeSaku

Kingdom Hearts:RikuSora, AxelRoxas, ZephCloud (LeonCloud's good too)

Yugioh: KaiJou, YamiHikari

Harry Potter: Cedric/Harry, Tom R./ Harry, Ron/Hermione, Oliver/Percy, Bill/Charlie, Fred/George, Sirius/Remus

Pairings I despise:

Naruto: Naruhina, Sasusaku (most despised of all pairings), ItaSasu ( incest may be kinky to me at times but never these two, they all kept ending up as angst fanfictions), NejiGaara (never saw how this fandom was created.)

Kingdom Hearts: RikuRoxas, CloudRiku, XemnasRiku, uke Axel.

Yugioh: YamiKaiba, BakuraMalik,JouYugi,YamiTea

Harry Potter: Harry/Ginny, James/Sirius/Snape

Things often seen in a typical fanfic that bothers me:

1. OOC

2. Mary Sues

3. Harry Potter CrossOvers

4. Many Exclamation points!!

5. ...or dots!!

6. too many sytax error(it's alright for me if you make mistakes every now and then, but to many in one chapter is a major headache)

7. Japanese Anime Characters adapting western culture, or 'in' a western styled environment (especially when the fanfic states that they are clearly in Japan)

8. In Naruto, Naruto talking to kyuubi in his head often like they're the best of pals.

9. Also in Naruto: Steriotyping Sasuke as EMO

My old fanfictions that i made while still in high school are still here up in my account. They're total crap.Still, feel free to read them and comment if you like.

Right now Im a bit busy with college and everything, but i may be able to upload stories during my free time or during vacation. Until then, toodles!

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