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RadicalRavenclaw PM
Joined Dec '00
Hey everybody! Updating time once again!

December 23rd, 2002

Current Section of Focus: Original Fiction & Harry Potter

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Why Wait For Me?: Original Poetry

Stuck in the Middle: Original Fiction

There are some AMAZING Harry Potter fic writers out there that I've found and i will share them with you (stories I especially like are in brackets). If anybody has any suggestions as to any authors I've missed, just give me a shout.

Arabella (all of her stories, really, but especially the HQoW series), Sugar Quill (After the End), aleximoon (Their Room), Kirsten Elizabeth (An Organ of Fire), alphabet (Angel Mine), Melissa D. (We'll Always Have Paris), AngieJ (Trouble in Paradise), Lady Norbert (Brainy and the Beast), Ginny Potter (Another Year, Another Fear) Strega Brava (Mirror Without A Reflection), Imogen (Alpha and Omega) and Firenzie (A Twist of Fate). Now as I find more great authors, I will post them up!

HP couples I support: My absolute favorites are Ron/Hermione, Fred/Angelina, James/Lily and Harry/Ginny. But Draco/Hermione, Harry/Hermione, and Draco/Ginny make for some interesting reads.

Genres you're most likely to find me in: Romance, Drama, General, and Humor. I am a HUGE sucker for romance stories, so that's the genre I'm in most of the time.

Well that's all you need to know right now, so until next time...


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