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xxDustNight88 PM
My Stories 370
2 To Live and To Love » Broken in every sense of the word, Kylo finds himself trapped in a magical fortress with a few strange little elves for company. When a mysteriously magical woman appears, he soon realizes just how much of a monster he once was. With the help and kindness of Hermione, can he fully earn the title of Ben Solo once and for all?
Star Wars & Harry Potter, M, English, chapters: 3, words: 6k+, favs: 11, follows: 14, updated: 5/30/2023 published: 5/24/2023, [Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, Hermione G.]
3 More Than a Game It was one of those stupid truth or dare games. Neither of them wanted to be a coward, so they kissed each other. It was nothing, really. So why did Draco and Ron find themselves more and more often in a hidden corner and snogging each other senselessly?
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance & Drama, words: 3k+, favs: 17, follows: 7, 3/21/2023, [Draco M., Ron W.]
To the Future Kate helps Peter out and he suddenly realizes there may be more between them.
Avengers, T, English, Romance & Humor, words: 745, favs: 8, follows: 9, 3/19/2023, [Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Kate Bishop/Hawkeye]
Dream of You Haunting dreams of love to come give Padma something to ponder this Valentine's Day.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance, words: 878, favs: 4, follows: 3, 3/19/2023, [Cedric D., Padma P.]
2 Unfathomable Tony is surprised to find that Steve might feel the same way he does.
Avengers, T, English, Romance & Angst, words: 852, favs: 10, follows: 3, 3/19/2023, [Captain America/Steve R., Iron Man/Tony S.]
So Much to Say Natasha runs off to save her friends, and finally finds what her heart desires.
Avengers, T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 14, follows: 7, 3/19/2023, [Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier, Black Widow/Natasha R.] Falcon/ Sam W.
Anything Tony would go to the ends of the earth for Loki.
Avengers, T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 8, follows: 4, 3/19/2023, [Loki, Iron Man/Tony S.]
2 Always Been You Finally, Lavender sees what what in front of her all along.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance, words: 783, favs: 6, follows: 3, 3/14/2023, [Parvati P., Lavender B.]
1 Devote Regulus wants only one thing for his final night of normalcy.
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance & Angst, words: 954, favs: 3, follows: 3, 3/14/2023, [Regulus B., Rosmerta]
3 Since the Moment Eugene gives Rapunzel some reassurance that she is the love of his life.
Tangled, T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, words: 772, favs: 9, follows: 4, 3/14/2023, [Eugene F./Flynn R., Rapunzel]
2 Deeply Dean is taken by surprise when Castiel shares an unexpected confession with him.
Supernatural, T, English, Romance, words: 867, favs: 13, follows: 2, 3/14/2023, [Dean W., Castiel]
2 No More Pretending Pansy finds the courage to tell Ron exactly how she's been feeling.
Harry Potter, K, English, Romance, words: 804, favs: 7, follows: 6, 3/14/2023, [Ron W., Pansy P.]
Watch the Old Year Die Hermione finds that this New Year's Eve there's a lot more on the line than simply ringing in a new chapter of her life.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Drama, words: 2k+, favs: 15, follows: 10, 3/13/2023, [Tom R. Jr., Hermione G.]
2 Rainy Day Confession Caught in a rainstorm, Theo and Hermione share one of their deepest secrets.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 18, follows: 6, 3/13/2023, [Theodore N., Hermione G.]
1 One More Sleep This holiday season finds Hermione counting down the days until her love returns to her life.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 10, follows: 5, 3/13/2023, [Regulus B., Hermione G.]
In Your Dreams Ginny and Greg find that sleeps eludes them for similar reasons.
Harry Potter, T, English, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 3, 3/13/2023, [Gregory G., Ginny W.]
Facing Our Fears Everyone has fears to face, and this year a trip to Hogwarts is exactly what Pansy, Hermione, and Loki need to overcome theirs.
Harry Potter & Avengers, T, English, Angst & Romance, words: 3k+, favs: 12, follows: 7, 3/13/2023, [Loki, Hermione G., Pansy P.]
Dusk Till Dawn Even in the midst of war, love can flourish if given the chance.
Harry Potter, T, English, Angst & Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 5, follows: 3, 3/11/2023, [Theodore N., Ginny W.]
1 Changing Tides A strange object washes ashore one morning, bringing someone quite unexpected to see Daphne.
Harry Potter & Avengers, T, English, Romance & Angst, words: 1k+, favs: 6, follows: 4, 3/11/2023, [Dr. Strange/Stephen S., Daphne G.]
To Have and To Hold? Pansy's mother takes her daughter's love life into her own hands, leaving Pansy in a most interesting situation.
Harry Potter & Avengers, T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 6, follows: 6, 3/11/2023, [Thor, Pansy P.]
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