well i guess i should put crap here lol.
ME: im a lover not a fighter and a reader not a writer. oh and i love chocolate!!
well then it seems ive been here awhile an only just now have put anything on this thing so i guess i could start this off with opinions and stuff...hmmmm
well i think certain pairings are underated and are seriously lacking in stories idk y but it kinda sucks but here they are i guess my underated pairings that may or may not work woooo!!!!
kurama/shizuru (love these two) Yu Yu Hakusho
Hiei/botan (love these two as well...i just dont see him into guys even the pretty ones lol) Yu Yu Hakusho
Seshomaru/kagura (hey i like them nuff said...rins like a daughter to the guy in my opinion besides kagura is a feisty character perfect for the temperamental dog demon of silence) Inuyasha...(and i have to wonder whats up sess kagome its EVERYWHERE never seen it coming not hating just saying lol)
Max/terry ( just makes more sense to me and shes better than dana in every way.) batman beyond
Ron/Yori ( as a kigo fan i like this as a sidekick fan i LOVE this lol. i like yori for ron shes still kick as and who dosent like ninjas lol) Kim Possible
Jack/Miko (boy meets girl then they help giant robots blow stuff up true love story lol) Transformers Prime
WheelJack/Arcee (i used to be a jack/arcee(yea i know it could never work sosue me it was still a nice thought sigh)and then this sorta poofed up now it just kinda makes since spy/samurai the two lone wolves..errr bots ...come on ppl its a beautiful love story) Transformers Prime
and more to come...soon